Proof reading for correct grammar
I understand that ending the sentence with a preposition is not correct.
The sentence should read:
........, you can choose with whom to connect.
Once you've imported your contacts, you can choose whom to connect to.
Learn more about managing imported contacts.
Jane Bell commented
Not just typing corrections done automatically, but a real person who has command of the the English language! Here is a headline today:
ABC's Joy Behar's Salary Is Though to Take
After Years of Working on ABC, This Is Joy Behar's Annual Salary
Take a closer look. Though is not Tough!!! This is constant in your articles! I'd be happy to have a job to proof read!! -
MICHAEL GILL commented
I don't know who writes this stiff, but he/she needs to go back to school.
From a story: " made it very clear where their loyalty lied." LIED???