Restore the old spam settings. Now we only have one setting.
First you took away stationery and vast choice of fonts, emojis, etc. Then you changed how mail is set up (from new, old, sent, spam, deleted mail to current style) and the Spam settings from numerous choices to only one (blocked). it seems the longer we continue to PAY for AOL Gold, the less we are getting for our money. I see by the Feedback that I'm far from alone in feeling AOL Gold does not seem "golden" to your PAYING customers.
Wanted to let you all know that you now have the ability to block mail from unwanted senders. Please click the link here to learn more:
AOL Product Support
tim commented
yes,,Aol has screwed us again! the mail is ****! about ready to jump!
Anonymous commented
Wow. After reading all the comments below, I see I am not alone. Why don't you listen to all these complaints and do something about it!! The new spam controls are ridiculous, very ineffective. I also have a gmail account and it might be time to switch.
Anonymous commented
I am totally unsatisfied with the new spam controls; they are completely useless! In the past, I was able to filter unlimited words and addresses with only part of the names followed by an asterisk.
Phillip wizwer commented
fix number of multiple emails that need to be sent our weekly to at least 500 at a time. I send frequent emails weekly and can not do so now. I copy and past a list of emails out but can not do so now and the server locks me out
Anonymous commented
We need the old way of privacy setting for our mail. YOU ONLY GIVE US ONE OPTION,, which means we are getting tons and tons of garbage in our email. Before there used to be a filter where it was high, medium & Low,, or only allow AOL subscribers. PLEASE GO BACK TO THE OLD WAY,, BECAUSE WHAT YOU HAVE NOW IS ONLY ONE SETTING AND IT SUCKS.
Marilyn S commented
Yahoo and AOL married has caused our security to be jeopardized.. AOL was ALWAYS security diligent but Yahoo not so much..
I want to be able to tell who I want to receive mail from... thereby, eliminating all the 2, 3, 4, etc. parties that our mail addresses are passed to around the world. Please return my spam folder as it was prior to your 'escalating' my account... You actually escalated the AOL Gold Desktop into security **** & if you think this is going to get me to buy your security offered - WRONG. I will quite paying the $29 a month and use msn,., since my security protection has already been comprised.
Anonymous commented
Your spam setting are now worthless. Restore ALL the settings that we used to have to control spam. Why does AOL continue to get worse instead of better. Charge us a monthly fee for AOL Gold garbage but give less service....pitiful. SMH.
Becky Billingsly commented
Sick of getting spam now directed to my mailbox.I don;t know why the change but I can certainly change to another email service. I have had AOL for about 15 years and this is the worst thing to happen to this service.
Anonymous commented
what happened to the setting "only receive email from my address book" sick of the vulgar spam, added addresses to be blocked but they still end up getting through.
Anonymous commented
email control removed/changed is very detrimental to using aol as email. No user requested this change. It required a decision based on nonuser requirements. Bad decisions can be corrected. Only time will tell if users will stay or try other email facilities.
Peter Brett commented
I would to have a dedicated spam filter page that provides ongoing current information about any addresses I have blocked or unblocked.
Anonymous commented
Email control MUST be returned to previous status! My inbox is now flooded with SPAM. Without the controls I had before AOL will not be worth the $19.95/mo. Simply the Huffington Post changes with news stories is about enough to make me drop the service. Who wants to click through twenty pages just to read a news story? As I am paying for the service, that much ad bombardment should not be happening!
Athalinda Parrish commented
I want to block mail from all senders that are unknown to me..... how do I do this???
Once again AOL is cheating its subscribers but eliminating several spam choices. My spam box NOW gets 25+ spam emails (15 from a similiar email address starting with "contents......
[Deleted User] commented
Is this just a temporary glitch? Or is this permanent? With the increasing quantity of spam this is not acceptable! Please provide a realistic solution.