Desktop Gold, for me, is a disaster.
I today spent a lengthy time on the phone and interactively (Case # 07716500) with a phone rep in the Philippines who insisted the only way to solve horrific problems I was having sending mail with AOL Desktop on a PC (but not with with AOL on my iPad) was to reinstall Gold. First, she claimed that there were limits to the megs in any e-mail I replied to. When I proved to her through the AOL on the iPad that this was not true, she tried to get me to reinstall Gold. I simply flat out refused to take her advice, and asked to be transferred to Tier Two Tech Support. She would not let me go there. Our stand-off finally ended when she found a way to make AOL Gold work. And told me to provide feedback to this fiasco right here!! So my suggestions are: a) rewrite AOL Gold, which is a technical embarrassment. 2) Listen to your long time customers (like me) who know your incompetence better than your own current Philippine staff; 3) start a U.S. call center with better trained tech specialists; and 4) try not to leave the impression with your paid customers (of which I am one) that your aim is to drive AOL into the ground before you abandon it.
Anonymous commented
I experience the same colossal incompetence with their outsourced Pilipino customer Service (IF YOU CAN CALL IT THAT). They speak such poor English, its most times impossible to understand them. They sound sort of like off-speed records. And, the many on-going problems and built-in faults with AOL GOLD makes the OATH Company look like a bunch of greedy idiot corrupt crooks, which I'm sure they are. Total asswipes, to be sure!