Tech support and the attitude that they have and just hang up on you when they cannot figure out how to fix a problem
Having a problem with the Masque Texas Holdem poker game loading and the tech that was working ( KEN)with me to try and find out why the game was intermittent and sometimes load and others wouldn't and after messing with it for about 45 minutes and he couldn't figure out what the problem your TECH KEN HUNG UP THE PHONE ON ME AND WE COULDN'T GET THE PROBLEM FIXED AND THIS IS THE MESSAGE I HAVE FOR YOU: IF THIS IS THE WAY THAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO BUSINESS IN A WAY I AM GLAD FOR YOU THAT YOU ARE KEEPING UP WITH THE WAY AOL DID BUSINESS, CAN'T FIX THE PROBLEM OR A SOLUTION FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO HELP WITH THE PROBLEM JUST TO **** WITH THE CUSTOMER AND JUST HANG UP ON THEM. THAT IS THE SAME POLICY AOL HAD. CAN'T FIX IT HANG UP AND TO **** WITH THE CUSTOMER. THE ATTITUDE IS THE SAME ALSO. I HAVE BEEN WITH AOL FOR ABOUT 20 + YEARS AND I GUESS THAT I WILL NOT BE WITH YOU THAT LONG, YOUR ATTITUDE IS JUST LIKE AOL AND LIVE WITH IT. I WILL MAKE SURE THAT I WILL LET MY FRIENDS KNOW THAT NOTHING HAS CHANGED AND THAT YOU ARE JUST STAYING IN LINE WITH AOL, CAN'T FIX IT JUST HANG UP THEY CANNOT TALK TO TALK WITH THE SAME PERSON AND THE ALIAS THEY USE YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM AGAIN. I WOULD LIKE TO SAY "WISH YOU THE BEST" BUT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE SINCE YOU ARE IN LINE WITH AOL. If the people that you have in tech support, they are like the ones that all they did for AOL was answer the phone and try and talk you out of talking to tech. maybe you should get the ones in your tech. support and let them answer the phone and put the one answering the phone in the tech. support dept.

We’re sorry to hear about your experience. It’s certainly our expectation and desire that you receive the highest quality service when working with customer support. We’re sad to hear that it sounds like you did not.
Rest assured that we’ve captured your complaint and will make sure your experience is shared with others in an effort to prevent this in the future.