Your Suggestions Don't Work...NONE OF THEM.
Here's what you have suggested:
Wanted to let you all know that you now have the ability to block mail from unwanted senders. Please click the link here to learn more:
AOL Product Support"
I have been an AOL subscriber for more than 40 years, probably longer than most of you current staffers have been alive. Rest assured that by now, I KNOW how to block spammers. The only trouble is, none of your suggestions works anymore.
Are you really serious about blocking spam/phishing, or are you only interested in filling every available space on a given page, no matter how small, with some kind of inane advertising? In that regard, I have taken to immediately closing the "Welcome" page on start-up because it's no longer readable due to the flood of ridiculous ads.
My suggestion to you, AOL, is to get serious about blocking spam/phishing or before long, you won't have any customers me, for instance.

servicestinks commented
I have used this process to block email. Your fix only works for a number of blocked addresses. Once the limit is reached, a customer can add no more. I only took a week or two for me to fill up the allowed number of blocked email addresses. Why, because senders of these emails randomly change their email address. Bottom line AOL process is time consuming and, in the end, leaves the customer back where they started - huge numbers of unwanted emails, many scams.
michael elder commented
i for am ready to leave aol , their programs suck (they don't work)nothing is free they want you to use up more benefits so that they can charge you more
RLS commented
I agree. I've been an AOL subscriber for over 30 years and I'm seriously considering switching to a new provider. The SPAM emails are totally out of control! I'm getting over 500 spam emails every day! The emails start as early as midnight and average about 70 or more every hour. you've got to do something about this or you will start losing customers in droves. Nothing you suggest will stop the spam emails. I've tried.
So I started adding today's spams to my blocked emails. After adding a bunch of them, I now cannot add any more. Apparently my blocked folder is full!!!!
Come on AOL. You can do better then this!
If I individually blocked each of the unwanted spams daily, I would soon have over 200 plus blocked emails added daily! That would probably bog down my AOL access.