Dear Editor & Ladies and Gentlemen: Please revert to DARK FONTS for better READING
Every, yes, indeed, EVERY AOL Desktop PAGE shows solely utter grayed font lettering everywhere!-- Those faintly displays of important information are indeed very difficult to be read by vision-impaired individuals everywhere. Please change your future information displayed solely in DARK printing. Many thanks in advance for your time.

There is a themes option in settings, under personalization. Try out the new dark theme.
Jodi Akey commented
How do I get my web pages to open at 67% not 104%? I have to change it every single time I click on something else. I hate it.
michael elder commented
it's now 6/22/2023 and you chose to only receive mail from senders in your email contacts, what part of it's not working do you not understand???????HELLO FIX IT OR CLOSE DOWN AOL
michael elder commented
yes a lot of us are paying for this worthless **** you call a browser, you can't even fix your own stuff like block senders use to be able to block any part of senders name it wouldn't come back. fire the person respnsable in purchasing this s--t you call gold