AOL App For Android
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1402 results found
It does not appear you consider any of the customer concerns as worthwhile. NONE of them have been implemented!!!!! Wake up!
Nuff Said. You are DEAF!!!
95th ranked -
******* HACKERS Wendell Percival Cruickshank
🛑 the ******* HACKERS
95th ranked -
95th ranked
go directly to inbox for mail instead of the news feed
when the app opens I have to select the mail tab to get to my inbox. I'd like it to load the inbox first and make the news feed require an additional action.
95th ranked -
block all and everything to do with trump
common sense politics NOTHING TRUMP
95th ranked -
allow 3rd party mail clients
Publish and lock pop3 server settings
95th ranked -
Remove the news feed.
There needs to be an option where a user can remove the news feed when they log on to check their email.
95th ranked -
95th ranked
95th ranked
Change the news items every once in a while. You know the news in the world does change from day-to-day.
I've had the same news items for at least 10 days. National and International news does change daily and even hourly so it would be nice if your news items could reflect that!
95th ranked -
111th ranked
stop the AOL + pop-up every time I open an email
stop the AOL + pop-up every time I open an email
111th ranked -
111th ranked
notification sounds alarms
your app is no good for email if you can't have a sound when the email is sending and sent and when you receive them repeating notification sounds or alarms
111th ranked -
Get rid of the news feed, don't need it, just delivering email, no ******** news
get rid of the ******** news
111th ranked -
111th ranked
Fix your mark as unread problems
cannot mark an email as unread after replying to it have to chase it to Old mail and then Mark as unread and go back to new mail
111th ranked -
AOL is a liberal hate machine!
AOL new is all propaganda for the liberals. They spread nothing but hate and lies! AOL Sucks!!!
111th ranked -
When deleting emails they show up again later and emails that aren't there pop up after I think I've cleared out the previous days emails.
Daily I delete my emails. Later on that day they show back up again. Days prior I delete emails and more appear and I have to delete those too.
111th ranked -
120th ranked
- Don't see your idea?