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1409 results found
120th ranked
I totally agree with ALL of the posts! New to this email! Will switch it it gets out of control!
go back to old AOL PLEASE
120th ranked -
120th ranked
make sure the links in emails are accessible
I cannot access links in some emails
120th ranked -
Again! You modify or change how your app or website work with NO notice, NO tutorial, NO link, NO FAQ!
Respect your customers; ask for input before full implementation, provide notice and a link to test and / or find solutions to issues that may arise!
120th ranked -
120th ranked
drop "Fox News" - it's NOT news, it is propaganda ONLY, riddled with inaccuracies and extremely biased lack of facts. it's very insulting.
stop propaganda- no Fox!
120th ranked -
I lost auto capitalization and spell check when writing emails. also cursor jumping to bottom when replying to emails. Paying AOL customer.
this is on Samsung Galaxy smartphone. spent an hour on phone with your tech. no help. been paying AOL customer since AOL began. told have to wait for another update for possible fix! not happy customer!!
120th ranked -
120th ranked
120th ranked
getting harder and harder to delete emails. More show up days later.
Need to stop the doling out, or delays in the emails posted each day.
120th ranked -
Allow to delete receipts
Old info shows under "Receipts" even though underlying email has long since been deleted. We should be able to delete the old information.
120th ranked -
120th ranked
Report ALL news.
Why are all your customers being given a liberal commentary in place of news?
Hasn't your ilk been humiliated enough? I will never again trust news outlets such as yourself.
Please provide a NEUTRAL OPTION for critical thinkers.134th ranked -
134th ranked
134th ranked
134th ranked
allow email to be 'home page' not "news"
allow me to set my email as my home page in your app. I will check the news when I want to check the news but, you are first and foremost an email service provider, so please provide the service we 'employ' you to provide and relegate the actions you get back handers for to voluntary use.
134th ranked -
I understand why you need to push people to upgrade. it is all about revenue but this is extremely annoying.
If you want to annoy your prospective customers, keep annoying them for every email they open, otherwise, change it to once or twice a day. Perhaps then, I will eventually consider. Nagging does not help!
134th ranked -
Let me block Ads.
Far too much political and fashion ads forced at me when I log on to my emails.
134th ranked
- Don't see your idea?