fix your spam filters Viagra ads should be real easy to spot

Hi there, we are continually making changes to improve your experience. For advanced settings, go to on a desktop computer and create filters under Mail Settings. You can filter incoming mail to go into Trash or Spam.
Learn more about Mail Settings and Spam in this help article:
Anonymous commented
Block TEMU
Tiga commented
stop Pub
Anonymous commented
I'm just as frustrated as the others above
Lucille Powell commented
too much spam
Anonymous commented
Excess emails are driving me mad.
Dissatisfied Trapped Customer commented
Ramona Rothwell commented
detail?? disgusting sexual email
Anonymous commented
it's time you realised what are genuine emails not fake or spam
Anonymous commented
Why am I even paying?You you can't even call you spam everyday all day
Lucille Powell commented
way too much spam
Anonymous commented
disappearing emails
anonymous commented
persistent spam
Kristen Dorman commented
Ive had my aol account since the day ive been freaking born so i have ALOT of important stuff connected to this but oh my freaking god please fix you spam detection. I feel like its only been getting worst these past 2 years and ive had no choice but to spend an entire hour a day going and filtering new spam that keeps popping up every single day. a new email gets created only to send me freaking ***** enlargment pills when i dont even HAVE A *****
Anonymous commented
stop sex emails
Darrell Cope commented
spam emails
Anonymous commented
Leider kann man auf dem Smartphone keine Spam Nachrichten blockieren.
Anonymous commented
stop selling customer email addresses to crooks and **** sites. allow Outlook! I hate your format but I'm stuck with it since Verizon sold us to you.
Yvette commented
fix spam filter.
Declan commented
There is far too much obvious spam. We need tools for dealing with this.
Anonymous commented