AOL App For Android
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1437 results found
Remove deceitful FOX News from AOL.
Remove deceitful FOX news
39th ranked -
94th ranked
26th ranked
48th ranked
59th ranked
Hello there. We are glad you have decided to reach us. For more information on how to manage auto suggestions, please check out the following page: If there are any more issues, please contact us on Facebook (AOL Customer Support) or (@AOLSupportHelp).
74th ranked
Be more fair and balanced. All you tend to show is left-wing propaganda which is killing this Country. quit reporting negative and racist.
Be fair and balanced. quit spinning the truth. love this country! support our President and Military. people need positive not left wing racism and stupidity. Bring common Sense into your reporting.
118th ranked -
103rd ranked
24th ranked
14th ranked
that window that slides across the screen as I read an article you've posted...**** annoying as it hides a third of my phones screen.
annoying read next screen
118th ranked -
20th ranked
Let me block Ads.
Far to much political and fashion Ads forced at me when I log on.
37th ranked -
53rd ranked
Take Fox news off completely. They are being sued fo fake news.
Fox news is fake news.
51st ranked -
144th ranked
when I navigate away from my email to make an attachment or whatever when I come back to the app my email should still still be open, not cl
when you navigate away from an email you sent, it should still be open when you get back, instead of it closing, and then putting it in your drafts.
169th ranked -
when something sent to spam, don't let Tham keep sending!!!
I keep getting the same email I've sent to spam. I'm tired of it. Is there a way to block an address
53rd ranked -
I absolutely do not like the new look. provide a link that sllows us to revert to the classic format
new ain't always better
74th ranked -
45th ranked
- Don't see your idea?