AOL App For Android
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Tell us how we can improve your AOL App experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1407 results found
460th ranked
Crystal k dobrosky
Crystal k dobrosky460th ranked -
Can someone like Elon Musk set a new America On Line? Make it similar like the old AOL comment threads stemming from news stories. Etc. . .
A new aol type setup from someone willing to do so.
460th ranked -
Signatures are personal. I used to be able to save mine but no longer. I resent not being able to keep my signature even though the app gives that option. Please re enable saved signatures.
225th ranked -
460th ranked
Gratis para que aiga más usuarios. y gosar del correo. aol latino. gracias
460th ranked -
AOL is the most reliable and trusted news source and their email has been around longer than Gmail or Outlook.
AOL is your best option
460th ranked -
460th ranked
sollten die App mal überarbeiten, zum wiederholten Mal ist eine Mail verschwunden die ich vom Spam Ordner in den Neu Ordner verschoben hab
Verschieben von mails verbessern
225th ranked -
rfi/farsi AND ir.voanews AND radiofarda are CO-working with AND FOR iran'S terrorist government
iran'S terrorist government
460th ranked -
terrorist attack in America Arizona gila county Mexican id theft snoop the dog pound
I'm a FF1 zone 142 has changed however southern Arizona for the state plus I'm the kid who saved the world in the 80's the crash I bcought the country back . Any way 911 car##* please get this message to everyone my name is Conie A, Rivera111 jr fromwheatfields Arizona.
460th ranked -
move the undo button from same location as pencil for compose new email at bottom right, while deleting or selecting emails to action on.
move the undo button from same location as pencil for compose new email at bottom right, while deleting or selecting emails to action on.
460th ranked -
460th ranked
I would like to see sender's email address without having to open mail so I can see if it is a phishing email before I open it.
I would like to see sender's email address without having to open mail so I can see if it is a phishing email before I open it.
134th ranked -
Can you regain the trust and patronage ofDrs., politicians and many businesses that do not accept AOL e-dresses as a means of communication.
Too many businesses, Drs., government agencies and others do not accept AOL e-dresses as a means of communication. This is very frustrating for an AOL subscriber.
460th ranked -
Show the number of new (unviewed) emails on the main screen, like my message app. AOL does notify when a new email is received need a visual
Show the number of unread emails on my main screen so I know I have unread messages.
460th ranked -
cannot use the new unsubscribe button... why
have tried several times to unsubscribe many different companies but they do not go through.
159th ranked -
159th ranked
Change the entire culture of AOL to a conservative based business model. and quit chasing treason! Your culture is eating itself up!
media political bias
225th ranked -
120th ranked
- Don't see your idea?