Remove advertising/video clips
I pay for my account. Not a free email. So why am I constantly bogged down due to advertising and video clips! Not to mention half the time seems can even leave a comment! The system kicks you out! Not good serve for paying 23 dollars a month!

I also pay for my account and will cancel if the new mail format isn’t removed and the ads continue to interfere with what I’m reading!
Stephen Lacombe commented
Lately, the sound in the video advertisements has started to unmute itself, which is extremely annoying.
Usually, when I'm finished reading email I log out and it goes to the main AOL page, and then after a minute or so the audio from advertisement in the middle of the page and usually even off screen starts blasting through the speakers! You can mute the sound, but when the next ad comes up, the audio starts up again! -
tora Stone commented
It could be that the adverts are using all the website resources, stopping it loading
Anonymous commented
Please remove/unsubscribe me. I am snowed under with unwelcome advertising emails.
I agree because I pay as well.
george commented
What I do not like about reading items on AOL is when you start to click the next tab, some article gets shuffled into its place and you wind up clicking on an ad. Now I get junk mail from that ad so now I no longer read the articles or stories.
Anonymous commented
I agree. they are annoying and unnecessary where they are placed... put them off to the sides or put them on one site.. if a user wants to see ads.. they can go to that site and search for what they want.
Mei Lan commented
Looking at 6 to 7 ads covering what I WANT to read is UNACCEPTABLE
Elizabeth Layton commented
I do NOT want any ads for the most hateful trump on MY AOL. Advertising for "corrupt Democrats" on your NEWS reel? I will report it to the Attorney General. It sickens me you (AOL) allow that reprehensible false advertising.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
stop allowing scam ads like this
Anonymous commented
The World Heath Organization has constantly lied to us about the transmission of the Coronavirus. I find it disputable that you are supporting such a corrupt organization. Shame on you!
David commented
The video clips and ads on the homepage should be removed after a short period of time. I am sick of seeing the same clips/ads while trying
to read the headlines/news above these irritating items. -
Anonymous commented
Remove 80% IF adverting
On your slide show today there is a slide on The Vancouver Home of Prince Harry. When you click on the first page there is an explanation. Then when you click on next a blinking "Continue" comes up. When you click on that it brings you to a page that tells you to call a certain number and to not delete or shut down or you will lose everything on your computer. I think it is a fake scam, but you should look inti it.
hastabeus commented
Make it possible to stop the loading of videos.
000 no name commented
why **** you people keep these ad going a person cant read **** dam ads keep popping up are you all this greedy it just dum and you thin k people are looking at them
It is just like reading the Enquirer with so many ads that you cannot read the ridiculous copy. .
Patrick commented
For God sake at least put Turbo Tax in one place and keep it there. I can't even scroll through the events without it rolling back in my face. Does Turbo Tax know how much they're ******* everybody off with your advertising methods?
They're going to now. -
Anonymous commented
I click on the video and all it plays are ******* ads. Where’s the ******* video?? I click on a link to the video and the ******* link is bad. You all ******* SUCK!!