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1457 results found

  1. Keep AOL Games Alive

    The aol games have always been the staple for entertainment on this site. Please, keep the aol free games alive!

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  2. Entering Super Crazy Eights to play or join - nothing but the black Masque Publishing screen

    IF it now requires a "membership" to play these games that used to be free to the public, so state it on your Web site. Example, I used to immensely enjoy Super Crazy Eights game. Now, I get the black screen, Masque Publishing that never changes when attempting to initiate or join a Super Crazy Eights game... Was this the real intent?

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  3. STOP ADVERTISING "LAST OF US PART II! It is geeting really old after 1000 times of seeing it!

    How many hundreds of time will you force us to watch the video "THE LAST OF US PART II" for Playstation? Everytime I sign in to play poker I am forced to watch the girl saying help me. I am 70 years old as most of the audience you are advertising to. It is highly unlikely we are the audience you are trying to reach. PLEASE PLEASE TAKE DOWN THIS COMMERCIAL!! THANK YOU

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  4. Allow me to play the games

    I can't play the games anymore. I would like to play them again.

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  5. Change your video ads PLEAEE!

    I am 70 years old as is most of those that play Texas ]Holdem on your site. I have never been a gamer yet I have been forced to watch your predator gaming commeercial over and over and over to adnauseum for months. Dont yiou have any other is really getting old for me and I know others.

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  6. Just Words=Ad covers up board-can see to play

    Please resolve issue of ads covering content. On Just words, the ad covers part of the game board and I can no longer play the game.

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  7. Restore how the bots or AIs autobank

    In Texas Hold'em No Limit, the bots or AIs, for example CarlAI, used to autobank as we normal players when we hit 2 mil. Now those bank when they hit 200K and go down to 180K after that. Please return autobanking to same as we normal players.

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  8. chat

    i have a question, and wonder why this is happening in all game chaot rooms for me:


    I can type in the chat box but not able to send .. the send shows a circle with a line through it, others chat why can't I? I did nothing wrong and rarely chat, it is mystifying

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  9. Something has happened to AOL .

    AOL quality has fallen down because cards are being disgarded that were not selected by player of Gin and Hearts card game. I don't want to leave AOL but players like me have no choice due to unselected cards being disgarded. Too bad!!

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  10. adjust the 5 minute wait time in just words

    adjust the 5 minute wait time between games in 'just words' its ridiculous and difficult to get a game

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  11. 4192nd ranked

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  12. Please fix Just Words game site. Many people cannot sign in as they get a white screen. Needs serious overhaul!

    Please fix the issues with the JUst Words game. Many people cannot get on to play as they get a white or black screen!

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  13. aol is a bunch on worthless motherfuxkers

    aol is a bunch of worthless motherfuxkers

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  14. slots lounge need rooms back

    Please fix the rooms back into slot lounge this is getting old seeing all the comments that are not nice in the one room. I am asking very nicely to get this fixed now.

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  15. 4192nd ranked

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  16. 4192nd ranked

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  17. Crazy 8's game changed- too fast

    Crazy 8's game has changed and is going too fast for me to see what players are playing. Please take it back to the way it was before or slow it down.

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  18. Regarding GAMES - Pinochle ... Bug in your latest upgrade

    I noticed you upgraded the software in the Pinochle game. If no one bids the dealer gets stuck and so does the game, it locks up and the only way out is to start a new game. I also see you are displaying the number of tricks taken by each player. I prefer showing the points taken.

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  19. fix letter garden

    fix letter garden

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  20. 4192nd ranked

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