AOL is so bias that it even stop peoples to comments for President Trump because all was supporting him
AOL is so bias that it even stop peoples to comments for President Trump because all was supporting him

ROB CAS commented
Why did you block my account for news comments section.
Its been years I was looking and reading certain news articles
I rarely posted on this platform but it got to much to read other subscribers lies propaganda racism , hate speech thriving on Aol news comments platform.
Posting the truth you got booted out because other viewers abuse this platform.
If AOL can not do a better and fair job and honest observation about facts shut down the comments section permanently.
Do not get involve in some thing you can not fairly and in all honesty control -
Grace Campbell commented
AOL is full of fake news that favor Democrats
Kenneth Davis commented
AOL sucks
[Deleted User] commented
AOL is the mouthpiece for evil liberals. They will block and ban you if you comment the fact about how evil liberals are.
Anonymous commented
AOL commenting section is So Bias that you can get permanently stopped for commenting on anything for saying things like: "AOL is very bias".<<<Now tell me how fair of a site they have.
I've quoted things directly from the article that I was commenting on and my comment was Rejected for violating TOA.<<<What?..I quoted from the article!
It's just So left leaning liberal it is ridiculous. And like most left leaning sites, they allow their propaganda to spread while stopping conservative comments.
If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, people start to believe it. (Now, where did I hear that before) -
Anthony Lujan commented
Aol is about to come to its demise real soon anyways since verizon is doing a fire sale and getting rid of aol and yahoo. for 4,1 billion
JAMES FRIEND commented
to all you chump lovers aol don't care who you are they censor a lot of people for no reason. I hate chump and I get censored with every post. aol has a bunch of jerks working there. the do not read the feedback if they did they would fix the problem. all they care about is $$$$$. maybe if every one boycotted them for a month or two they might get there head out. you can't call them or e-maIl them they just don't care as long as the $$$ keeps rolling in
If aol doesn't want to be legally liable for posts placed on their platforms, then they must allow all to express their opinions. Otherwise censorship of the political spectrum they disdain leads to liability that will eventually be enforced in a fair court of law with devastating consequences for the criminals behind the censorship..
AOL that must be an acronym for American Out o touch Liberals
Karl Kleinberg commented
AOL is controlled by the extreme left. I know it,you know it & even the anti trump losers know it,but they won't admit it!
aol has no ball to let people respond cause they afriad of the respons they get !!!
aol has lost it !!!!!!!!!!
You people really PAY to read this stuff? How, where, and why? I've never seen AOL charge for access to their news, neither does CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.
leatherkiltman commented
I just posted the phrase "HELLO EVERYONE" and got banned
My comments are censored by AOL on everything I write that pertains to the truth and my honest opinions on who and what they are writing about. Complete and utter censorship!!! I wrote a
response about Adam Kinzinger, who thinks we're trying to over throw the government, and his ridiculous interview with Anderson Cooper. My comment was," This guy is a genius in his own mind. He dosnt even know which Party he's with much less whats happening in America. Media only gives him recognition to keep stirring the pot. What else is new!" Thats it! Thats my comment. It was rejected by AOL along with every comment I make regardless of who or what I comment about. It dosnt meet their community standards. What the **** does that mean!!!! -
JAY JACKSON commented
Who are the AOL minons censoring members positive but right leaning comments and response? Since 90% of the comments are pro Trump and conservative thinking, maybe AOL is just over whelmed..
not my president will ring loud and clear across this nation. sound familiar , get used to it
Carlotta Pearson commented
I agree. But don't get mad...get even! AOL is a Verizon company. Drop them like a bad habit and make them go bankrupt. BIDEN NOT MY PRESIDENT.
Ron Fiadini commented
I would suggest too you at AOL that your Bias is showing and in these times it is very much the concern of your members, as I am a paying member myself that:
1. Regardless of your political positions at the upper level of management and or stock ownership
that millions of U.S. citizens are as we speak going to other platforms for their entertainment, news, opinions, research, etc. etc.2. when I am welcomed to AOL with total leftist news and propaganda I am completely horrified, and disheartened to see the likes of robert dinero who has shown complete and total disrespect for our current President, by actually and openly threatening to punch our President in his face.
He has used vile language also and many people in this country feel that this is not the platform on which to give a violent thug, and that is all he is, or has become, the space with which gain high marks from his left leaning friends. Its fine to be a tough guy in the movies BUT, in real life he is only a punk looking for attention. To his credit he was a fine actor and probably still is. "BUT" that only takes him so far! I have already trashed the God father trilogy, casino, and others. they were my favorites at one time. what a shame a great talent gone to sub human waste. and unfortunately the other actors that have made and continue to make movies with him are missing out on all the worthy praise that would be leveled on them , but for the fact that his name, and face are are now poison to my guesstimate of forty five to fifty million of our country men. A pity!!
And of course the same goes for many, many other actors in the industry..
If only AOL could stay out of the dirty side of politics people would flock to you. I am right on the edge myself as are many others. Fox news is as of today not a company that I support, as are so many others that stopped reporting news, but choose to make up their own news. your never to big to FAIL and that's a fact! CNN was once great, now they are at the bottom of the dung heap in ratings!
I've been with AOL loyalty for at least 30 years. Does that, or shouldn't that count for something? -
Exactly. You can think the way you want as long as you dont disagree with them.