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Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
10784 results found
READ the posts below of the traitors accusing AOL of nothing but reporting the facts. There is no wonder their hero is a lying, cheating co
Keep up the good work.
4191st ranked -
4191st ranked
Stop being a liberal hater against the President.
Hire unbiased "community watch dogs".
2341st ranked -
Inspector General
Why should Trump explain the dismissal of an inspector general? Obama did the same thing and for YOU it was cool! Just exposing YOUR daily hypocrisy as the pitiful attempt it is!
2341st ranked -
Please stop the account hacker have encrypted my files
the account hacker have encrypted my files, PLEASE stop this account !
2341st ranked -
1500th ranked
Fix your weather report.
The temperature shown for Denham Springs, Louisiana is 27 degrees. Really? It is actually more like 90 degrees. This happens all the time.
4191st ranked -
TOO many adverts!
Many of the articles will NOT show ANYTHING when you open them!! This has been on-going for DAYS!!! When some DO load the 3-5 lines and photo/page are a PAIN and NOT worth the bother!! loading 14-50 pages is time consuming, and a BORE!!! Also, a chance to introduce spyware, malware and other ****!!! CLEAN IT UP!!!!
4191st ranked -
4191st ranked
Twitter Flags Trump
Trump was quoting experts who KNOW there has been corruption linked with mail in ballots. NOT only that, but WE have seen footage of JERRY NADLER commenting about THAT VERY SAME THING, and he agreed! YOU always try to have it both ways! The only reason many of us read your headlines is to hold YOU and the rest of YOUR quoted media buddies accountable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2341st ranked -
The Truth About the Twitter Fact Checkers (not that YOU would ever tell us)
Twitter, Google, YouTube (same as google) are all known to be anti first and second amendment for starters! And Snopes leans left also. So to put that headline up as a Trump slam is ludicrous! YOU people are PATHETIC every minute of every day! As I have said before, fact-check the fact-checkers!
2341st ranked -
AOL Email is down 5/27/2020
Please tell someone to fix Email. My entire life is through this account.
4191st ranked -
AOL mail is down 5/27 - when will it be back up???
2341st ranked -
I'm having a "twerk" error report when I try to access my e-mail. Can AOL fix it?
Trying to access my AOL e-mail but am getting a GAH! error report. Can it be fixed by
2341st ranked -
Why can I not access my email?
I am unable to access my email. Getting an error message.
4191st ranked -
By Posting Problem Alerts on your Page
I have been unable as a Gold Member to access mail for over an hour. I keep getting an error that says, "We were unable to download your mail, try again in 5 minutes". I can't get it through your website either, and after several rings when I call, I then get a busy signal. If you are having a problem with EVERYONE'S should post something on the AOL.COM page, so we don't all go crazy wondering if it is "just us" or all AOL Members
Eileen2341st ranked -
Fix your email system!
Fix your **** email!
2341st ranked -
Fix Mail I am getting a GAH! ATS Service Error
I have tried all the recommended fixes it is not my computer or account I tried several different computers
2341st ranked -
Would be nice if you would notify your members why your mail is down again. We give you alternate emails for a reason. No explanation!
fix the mail! Fix the mail !! fix the mail ! Ever since you "teamed up" with yahoo, you have become worse! I will submit my email address but how the Eff am i supposed to get your reply when i can't even open the **** mail !! ???
2341st ranked -
Please Correct Email error as of May 27, 2020
Front when logging in, I find my wife has not logged out and select logout doesn't log her out. After a few tries it logs out. I log in and when selecting "Mail" it turns to a "ERROR PAGE". ?????
2341st ranked
- Don't see your idea?