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AOL Mail Norrin

This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.

1143 results found

  1. add the prevention of login name recording by web page

    when I log in from Chrome to there is a new problem - my log-in name is recorded. No matter how often I try to prevent it [by unclicking the remember box] I still need to delete it each time. Please add some method to stop the automatic and unstoppable remembering of my log in name by your website. I have already tried to prevent it in Chrome but it is not being done by chrome. It just happens now (newly added thing by the way) each time I log in to

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  2. New name

    Well it is not new but it fits the current stupidness...........AO-****

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  3. ads on e-mail

    I am one of the few people on earth who is actually paying for e-mail, and now AOL wants people to pay extra to get rid of ads on the page. I will research other e-mail domains (gmail, yahoo, etc.); if I find they do not have ads on their pages, I will cancel my AOL subscription and join one of them. Just letting you know.

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  4. 100 SPAM emails over the last 2 days!

    100 Spam emails over the last 2 days. Taking quite some time to transition out of AOL, but it will be worth it!

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  5. Stop an ad when we request that you stop.

    I am sick and tired, disgusted, with your photos of women's breasts, and Jennifer Anniston's attempts at being *. I am not interested in softcore * and have asked you a DOZEN times not to see the add. TAKE IT OFF!!!!

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  6. Spam

    Spam Filter is broken as of late. Nonstop spam emails received (more in Inbox than in Spam folder). The Spam settings/options are also missing now.

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  7. word wrap doesn't work when I am trying to read an email. I spoke with AOL support and they couldn't help

    Word wrap doesn't work when I am trying to read an email. I have to scroll to the far right in order to read the end of sentences. That makes it very difficult to read emails. I spoke with AOL support and they couldn't help. I saw that someone else had reported the issue, but AOL did not fix it. From what I could tell, AOL closed that issue. Why was the issue closed?

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  8. aol is soooo out dated my gmail gets 2 spam emails a week aol gets 99.5% spam i am now going to delete my 2 aol accounts i have had f

    aol is soooo out dated my gmail gets 2 spam emails a week aol gets 99.5% spam i am now going to delete my 2 aol accounts i have had f

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  10. How to Block Domains

    How can domains, such as .eu be block? Lots of spam emails are originating from this domain.

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  11. What wrong with AOL? sleep on the job,? why a lot junk mail come to my mail box???

    I am sure Aol sleep on the job dont keep your eye on, a lot JUNK mail come over 100 aday

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    I HATE that when I receive an email with an attachment, you
    "move" the attachment to another folder after I have opened it.. It took me months to figure out what you were doing
    One I figured this out, I found it hard to find the attachment and ended up having to ask the sender to re-send. i don't understand the reasoning behind his. KEEP THE ATTACHMENT WITH THE ORIGINAL EMAIL!!!

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  13. Comments on Political Posts Rejected?

    So I can have another AOL member post a disgusting reply to a comment I made about Palestine whereby he threatened to find out my address, slit my throat and stab me (this was allowed?!) but god help me if I mention Israel, my post gets rejected due to inappropriate language?! I was polite, never swore and stated FACTS and I get my post rejected and an appeal also rejected. What on earth is this censorship?! Absolutely disgusting.

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  14. 594th ranked

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  15. Sidebar folder/subfolder list

    It would be great if the subfolders shown in the sidebar would be indented slightly, like maybe one space. It is a bit difficult to quickly see which is a subfolder or folder, i.e., obviously when you have a folder exanded.

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  16. 896th ranked

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  17. Blocking spam by the end of the email address like @......

    Blocking senders is great but the Spam senders just changing the start of the address. They can send hundreds of thousands of spam emails. If I could block by just the @...... this would greatly increase protection and not clog my/your blocking files! I just blocked 18 spam files. 9 of them had the same ending @....

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  18. you should not expect me to pay $4.99 when you advertisements stick and I cannot use my email

    when signing into my email the advertisement block sticks and does not give me the the advertisement but a black box spins with a circle preventing me to not use the opening or deleting my emails. It blocks my email screen.

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  19. disable group by conversation

    The GROUP BY CONVERSATION on my mail was disabled, and YET AOL KEEP grouping my threads, which is extremely annoying and I am losing documents from previous emails. Also, please DON'T ask me to go to twitter or any OTHER social media to get HELP, as the WHOLE point is to get HELP HERE!!! THAT is ridiculous and not helping anyone.

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  20. my email addresses I have been sending to my contacts no longer pop up...this just started

    email addresses I use daily no longer popping up on my desk top and google chrome...why?

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