Please restore the old IM system This new way is no fun at all.
Restore the old IM system No idea why you stopped it. Bad idea. People are clamoring for its return.
STEVE commented
You all need to listen to your customers and bring back instant messaging. That is what made you all great. Whoever thought that AOL gold was a great idea needs to be fired immediately. People want to be able to instant message and have their buddy list back so that they can keep in touch with friends. I didn't mind all the advertisement that popped u, just as long as I have a buddy list and instant chat.
Anonymous commented
Can no longer see when my friends are online. No fun at all. I can live without IM's but not without Buddy List. Everything you offer can be had at other places so Buddy List was a big plus for AOL.
Don southernman commented
get the I/M's back very simple
Anonymous commented
Why are we paying to have things taken away from us? Bring the Buddy List back! A big part of liking AOL was that you knew when your friends were online and could email back and forth in real time.
Ceil commented
Instant Messages...It is lonely here without them . Bring them back, I beg you!!!
Anonymous commented
That worked so well, Why get rid of a product that worked
Thousands of us used Messenger to contact the world and now that you're charging us exorbitant fees, you take away the best feature of AOL!
Ceil commented
is bring back what I miss the most:Instant Messages
Anonymous commented
We need to know when our friends are online. AOL is no fun without this.
Anonymous commented
I wish have Buddy List back to chat on this
Robert Simmons commented
the old aol buddy list back to make it easier for me
Ceil commented
Buddy lists were also a good part of the old AOL. I could see who was on in an instant and I could communicate with them instantly!
Ceil commented
This and email were the best part of AOL program. Why is AOL moving backwards instead of forward?? IM's were the best way to keep in touch with family and friends. Facebook, twitter and all those programs have nothing on AOL's IM's!
Ceil commented
BRING BACK Instant Messaging!!!!
Anonymous commented
We want our IMs back, please! We are paying for this service and ought to get something for it/
Anonymous commented
You have done nothing but ruin the AOL experience in the last year to where all I use it for now is to receive email. If I hadn't used the same email address for more than 20 years I would just cancel my account. You have driven away customers by switching to AOL Gold and charging them, and then provided no reason for paying customers to stay by getting rid of the IM system and AIM. At the very least restore some kind of messaging system.
Denver Murray commented
With AIM out of the picture, I think AOL Desktop client is useless. There is absolutely no need to continue this client. That was the best part of AOL. I can use Chrome or Firefox to surf the internet and check e-mail, and use my own anti-virus. It's basically ruined now. I've been an AOL user since 1998 and no AIM basically made it a turn off, a deal breaker. I have no idea why we are testing something with no means of instant messaging communication.
Anonymous commented
I've noticed that you've added new or different icons up on the task bar but it still would be good that although we no longer have Instant Messaging if you could bring back the Buddy List so we could see if any of our friends & family are online!! Of course, ideally it would be great if some kind of instant messaging were returned!!!
Anonymous commented
I cannot see when friends are on-line or talk to them, see them on the camera.
Anonymous commented
Whem will Chat Rooms, Buddy List and Instanrt Messing be available ?