When going through my email I can no longer delete batches.
Restore the old system that allowed me to capture a consecutive list of emails to delete all at once.

To delete all the emails at once press CTRL + A, then delete.
STEVE L WILSON commented
I have 33,000 posts in need of deleting. We need a global delete option on our incoming mail posts to do clean up of older post. I too have been a Loyal AOL user since the days of dial up and 28 cents per minute for a phone line. Software speed seems to be slower than it should be?
i just deleted nearly 2000 items on permanently delete one at a time. I want to be able to do all of them at once! That was 4 days of emails, ads etc
Have a batch deletion in the Recently Deleted Folder.
Alvin L Elkins commented
The new icons that AOL added to every email is horrible, and the worst idea AOL has ever had. Furthermore, there is no explanation or instructions as to how to make use of this new feature that nobody wants on their AOL website. If these icons are not removed very soon, then I will have no choice other than to leave AOL. My wife and friends feel the same way. Please remove.
JERRY SIEGEL commented
Hello; I have used AOL since 2001 and have been generally happy with it. However, due to the amount of emails I receive everyday, there is a problem with deleting them. My arm literally hurts when I have to individually delete each email. In the spam section there is a "delete all" box. In the recently deleted section, no such box is available. I understand that you want to make sure someone really wants to delete an e-mail, but the reason I deleted it is because I am sure. Please add a "delete all" box to recently deleted e-mails. My right arm cannot take it anymore. I really believe long term repetitive motion like this will cause problems down the road. Thank You, Jerry Siegel
Kay Cook commented
I cannot believe what you have done. Who is that stupid as to put those three boxes at the end of each email. Get rid of them NOW. I am seriously going to get my grandson to teach me how to work another system and then I will rid myself of this stupidity. I am 80 years old and stuck by AOL for about 25 years. But we are about to part company unless you fix this quickly. At least give us an option to keep or get rid of. STUPID!!!! You can't even read the whole line to see what the email contains. I am a paying customer. I would sign in but I don't know how. What is this user voice stuff?
Glenn Altschuld commented
Concur to everyone else's comments about this unnecessary & unwanted change. The change even blocks my reading of email titles so it is now more difficult to immediately recognize emails I always delete.
One has to wonder who at AOL is coming up with these ridiculous ideas.
Susan Barasch commented
This is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! I get DIZZY! FROM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The highlighter is not needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AGREE the new Icons have to GO...very distracting and easily 'delete' things you then have to go back and make 'new again' TERRIBLE
shellscale commented
These Icons are a pain ********** and distracting. Why can't they leave things alone!
LINDA YOUNG commented
Currently, you can only permanently delete emails in the "recently deleted" file, one by one. A 'Delete All' button (like they have in the 'spam folder), is need in the 'recently deleted' file. It can take hours just to permanently delete a couple of days worth of emails because of having to do it individually, instead of the seconds it would take if there was a 'delete all' button.
Makes reading emails more difficult. Not useful and annoying.
LINDA EHLERS commented
Another idiotic change from AOL! These icons on my e-mail are annoying and useless. Stop trying to 'make it better'. Why don't you put the energy into trying to offer more up to date news articles or less advertising? I want a way to turn these **** things off or better yet, remove them all together.
Have you considered creating a Beta Test Group for these 'brilliant' ideas? Maybe you should ask those of us that PAY for this service if we want changes made?
What the heck is AOL User VOice? Why is that mandatory to post a comment?
SANDY WIENER commented
Didn't see that buttons were added and deleted emails while I was scrolling through my mail. The previous highlighting and deleting worked for 20 years. Why change it??
GARY WISTER commented
Suggest you add option to settings to remove those buttons.
GARY WISTER commented
same here. I get these 3 buttons every time when I highlight an email. They show up at end of every title. It is annoying
Soozy commented
These new icons in the Mailbox after every e mail is the WORST thing
that AOL has ever done.
You are forcing users to change the way they have always done things.
You can only use the Delete button at the bottom if that e mail has been read and is highlighted.
I read all my e mails first and then I used to go to the bottom and just click Delete, Delete, Delete. Doesn't work like that anymore. -
How do I delete recently deleted mail all at once instead of having to do it one at a time.
YIN TSE commented
Everyday there are so many junk emails, right now AOL only has Permanently Delete, but only ONE junk email at a time. It is very inconvenience and time consuming. Can you imagine how much time is lost or wasted by deleting ONE JUNK MAIL at a time?
Please add [ PERMANENTLY DELETE ALL ] that will take care all the problems and save time for all AOL GOLD subscribers. If such a program is on, I do not care how much junk mails in my box, all I need one push they all permanently gone forever, Does this make any sense to you?
Thank for your consideration for this matter. -
Arnold Stiepleman commented
is it possible for aol to install an icon to delete all mail in your mail box?????