Make your mail system reliable. Unable to load mail try in 5 minutes. I have work to do!!!
Fix your e-mail

This issue has been resolved. Please restart AOL Desktop Gold and sign back on.
Jane Nichols commented
My email is no opening.
Anonymous commented
AOL Gold was down for hours today... life held *******... unable to tend to medical, financial, commercial, and personal affairs. Did everyone receive an apology, refund, and assurance it would not occur again? I didn't think so. $15 a month for ability to contact customer service when a problem happens... told it would be over 25 minutes on hold before speaking with a live person.. live chat dead... AOL Gold is worthless. Can no longer embed a photo into an email, extreme limit on size of attached document or photo... can't find favorites... and of the best features of AOL 9.8 have been taken away. We all need to be looking for an alternative to AOL.
Arnold Schoenbachler commented
Every day it's something new with GOLD. TODAY-AOL Desktop GOLD not responding" but yet Welcome Page keeps showing the News, ads keep appearing BUT you can't read them since the screen is frozen, what else is new! Oh and "having problems showing you mail try again in 5 minutes" BUT there it is and I can read it, just can't respond, or show it's been read!
When in the "Harry" is this disaster going to be FIXED? It's still in it's alpha stage! I know, I know, "your feedback has been merged" don't merge it, do something about it! And YES I'm running Gold as ADMIN. -
Paul Riewald commented
Spent a hour talking to a tech in the Philippines and still couldn't resolve my white screen problem.
Paul Riewald commented
can't even write all that's gone wrong because you cut me off (see above)
Paul Riewald commented
Bring back the old AOL soon or I'm out of here
Helena Molnar commented
Fix the address books. I keep losing my signature that I save. I keep getting a message over and over telling me to wait 5 minutes then try again when sending email. Anywhere from 2 to 5 of the same email gets sent to my clients confusing them. Fix all these problems. I pay for gold, however I do not get gold service!!!!!
Cliff commented
Help, help, help
Anonymous commented
have had nothing but problems since installing GOLD
Anonymous commented
When it is going to take an unknown amount of time to fix your AOL email problem, then don't tell me to check again in 5 minutes. I could not even get the "send later option" to work for an hour.
How much cheaper is the service this month? If I cannot send an email, I might as well be using one of the many "free" email systems. -
Anonymous commented
Maybe you're short-staffed, so hire more staff. Charge far less on your product to match the service received.
bob k. commented
another example of the improved aol gold - aol has now become worst in the industry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
start refunding peoples money for a service they are paying for you are not providing with aol gold worst service since the internet was created need to re activate old aol service till you fix or start refunding money to customers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JOHN KOSSUCH commented
Please send me a refund for lack of service for this months user fee, your service is terrible
Anonymous commented
No mail available again!!!! AOL Gold is the worst version ever and I have been an AOL customer since the very beginning.
Anonymous commented
no email's
Anonymous commented
Here's an idea - how about if you don't take 4 hours to fix email?
Anonymous commented
Sometimes you have to open the same thing 2 or 3 times to get it to show up. Mail often times won't open. Why did you discontinue AOL 9.whatever and replace it with Gold. Gold has not worked right since you switched. Are you trying to drive people away from AOL?
Anonymous commented
still can't return to previous pages...."failed to load" seems to be coming up more that pages I try to open in my favorites.....AOL Crash??? a better name?
JEFF DETRICH commented
March 2, aol gold very slow to load and email is down all morning. Why do we keep having these sort of problems, esp now that we are actually paying $5-6/month for this. The old aol was slow but at least it worked and it was free. You guys sit around and watch your bosses laughing at us for paying for this? They get bonuses, you work your arses off because it doesn't work and the customers just keep paying to fund their bonuses. I'd guess most customers have been with aol for a very long time, thru thick and thin. Talk about lack of respect!