Please bring back 9.8.2
First of all, let me start by saying that I have been an AOL customer for more than 20 years and I am really mad. Bring back 9.8.2. This version stinks. When I try to print my emails, it leaves out half of the previous emails/responses. The old version told you whether or not you had any emails and how many when changing screen names, this one does not. You have to switch and sign on to find out if you have any emails. There are also other issues with the software. And to think for all these problems posted here on this website,and the headaches we are having with the program, you are charging an additional $4.99 per month. What about a refund for the **** you have sold us. What a ***** job. Your software techs need to fix this ASAP or trash it and bring back the old version. Also since your new software has appeared, the email on my wife's and my android smart phone has not worked properly. When I try to respond to an email, the phone says loading info and won't let you send an email. I loaded the AOL android app for my phone and that works about as bad as AOL Gold for computers. My android app shows I have emails, then when I go to the AOL android app to respond, the emails are not there, even when I drag down to refresh. I called Verizon about the email problem and they said they were having problems with AOL and put me on a three way conversation with an AOL rep. Rep said they had issues and gave me a service order number. That was about a month ago and nothing has been done. AOL Gold is not Gold, it's not even Silver or Bronze. It's more like scrap metal. I am a business customer and if you don't get this fixed ASAP, I will be moving on to something that works.