Three ways Gold version is harder and longer to use than v9.8
VersionGold is harder to use, requiring more clicks to do the same things as in V9.8. For instance, 1) V9.8 would automatically add an email address to SEND field by just entering three letters into the SEND field. Gold gives me my address book menu to choose from - slower and harder. 2)To add a link to email text, I first have to put the web address into a separate form, click OK, then copy and paste it into text, unlike v9.8 where I just had to copy and paste into text. 3) Also and most irritiating, v9.8 would automatically clear my search history, cookies, etc., when signing out. Gold makes me find the SECURITY subfolder in SETTINGS and manually clear history, each time I sign out. Harder and longer to use. PLEASE put those three features back into Gold as in v9.8. Be aware that users are lazy and want to do things with a minumum of clicks and going to subfolders.