WHAT HAPPENED TO AOL? Tim Armstrong happened. Get new leadership!
OK, we know AOL got sold to Oath and Verizon et al., for $6 Billion in cash, and in the process came up with a new version of AOL called Gold and discontinued Instant Messaging, any Free version of AOL and charging for basic use. But after months of the new operation AOL continues to be replete with problems and user complaints in almost every facet of its operation from faulty features to irresponsible and inexperienced techs now reduced to no more then paid excuse makers. We are now left to assume that Operations VP Marni Walden and AOL CEO Tim Armstrong must be incompetent, inept, myopic corporate *****. AOL is becoming a stock market and global embarrassment creating a potential tear in their Golden parachutes, and Lord knows, they can't allow that to happen. Tim, congratulations, you are now a charter member of the CEO Educated Idiots Club.