AOL Browser problems
AOL Browser problems are enough to make a preacher's wife cuss, and I should know because I was one for 25 years! Talk about testing my patience!!! Here goes: 1) Once I click on the aol icon, it takes far too long to get even the first signin screen. 2)Once I enter my password, God only knows what response I'm going to get. So far - today alone - I have signed on, only to have a '118 error - timed out' screen pop up repeatedly. The only way I could close aol was by using the task manager. 3) If I am finally able to get thru #2, then when I type in or and do a search on their sites, suddenly aol search kicks in and deletes the pages I'm looking at from the other sites. 4) I have signed on, finally gotten to what should be the welcome screen, and it's black with the 118 error message on it! 5) I have also signed on, and instead of loading the welcome screen, I get a page asking if I want to save something on my computer. 6) I've tried repeatedly today to specify these problems by doing a 'feedback,' but when I click on it, aol freezes or gives me an error message. And then I can't get out of aol unless I use the task manager. Before you ask, I've gone into my browser settings and cleared them. I've cleared my temp files for flash, java, internet history, done disk cleanup, checked to make sure all updates are current. Every day that I sign onto AOL, it's something else that is quirky and causes a lot of frustration. AOL, I used to really enjoy you, and I am still fighting to stay with you but SOMETHING has GOT to GIVE!

Let me put you in touch with one of our Technical Support agents to look more into this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone.
I have been posting BUGS for day. Is anyone there to help???
I am unable to log into my American Express acount via AOL gold
Trouble started yesterday and is NOT yet fixed. HELP HELP
I have sent numerous BUG report. where are you..Fix this now please
WADE SEGREST commented
AOL has annoying green outlines for each window that is open in the AOL Browser. This takes away from being able to have a clean interface. My pc is newer and is updated to include the BIOS and video drivers. It's something on your end that needs to be fixed. Most specifically it is a programming issue in HTML, CSS and Javascript. The page is not responsive to different devices showing your page!
This needs to be fixed.
ladylovey commented
Why am I getting so "oopps something is wrong with your browser" or please update browser!!! if we are paying for AOL that includes your browser......FIX IT PLEASE
This problem is really annoying to me.
AOL has developed a bug that doesn't allow me to access the TX A&M message board forum. I could access it thru AOL, but that stopped a few days ago for reasons unknown to me. I can access it using Microsoft Edge. If my subscription to AOL now prevents me from using my subscription to, why should I continue to pay AOL monthly?
RANA GOODMAN commented
This is not an idea but a criticism! I have been a member of AOL for more years than I can remember and the last week has left me asking WHY?
AOL Gold has become so slow and 5 out of 6 tried to log on, to send mail, especially of there is a photo attached come back with an error message.
At this moment I am timing 30 minutes plus waiting for the wheel to stop spinning as it tries to log on to a page I frequent. Then when I went to AOL Help, the page that usually comes up asking what type of membership I have so I can get help is GONE. I pay extra each and every month for support and now you have taken that away.
Between you and Outlook I might have to decide the internet is on it's way out!
Sign me totally DONE, stick a fork in me!!!!! -
Anonymous commented