why am i getting so much spam ?
why am i getting so much spam ?
The best way to resolve this is to mark the emails as “Spam”, that way you can train the spam filter to better identify unwanted emails in the future. You can also block specific senders by going to the Mail menu on the top left, and selecting “Block Unwanted Mail” from the drop-down menu, then adding the senders emails address in the Sender Filter’s block list.
Anonymous commented
Having just one Spam Box for rejection of spam is unacceptable at any level . I cant even imagine this is ok with other AOL users . Change it Back or I will Cancel My subscription. I have three other e-mail accounts that i don;t use but will be transfering soon if not changed back to old format.
Mw Navratil commented
Stop the spam even after we v block it still comes through.
Anonymous commented
Even though admin@powerfulwillings.com claims my email is not in their files, I receive more than two dozen trash mails a day from that address. If AOL can't block out the spam emails maybe another server would be more appropriate. Anyone have any suggestions?
Richard Youngs commented
I am getting a very large number of spam emails! It used to be maybe 3 or more a day, Now it is 70,80, or more each day!! Why is that?? Any answers??
Fran Spagna commented
SPAM e-mail should not be processed to my in box that should only contain normal e-mail messages. Since Yohoo got on line the problem started with converting the Desk Top Gold server. Go back to the original version. This has to be corrected immediately. Next step is to the CEO @@@@@@@@
Phil Layton commented
Put back spam filters on email showing up in "New" folder! Getting junk that I can't filter out! Put back the original spam filter options!
Anonymous commented
your new email system is the pits i am getting so much junk mail it takes me an hour to delete
PAT CIPOLLA commented
We will be leaving AOL because of this
Fran Spagna commented
Go back to the old method of controlling the SPAMs. The new filters do not work and we are getting 95% of the SPAMs in our in-boxes and not the SPAM Mail box. This needs to be corrected. The filters do not work nor the supportive SPAM Controls.
PAT CIPOLLA commented
Bring back the old system that at least worked properly
STEVE DOUKAS commented
When we send e-mail to "report spam", it doesn't block that address. We can add the address to our "BLOCK" mail, but that's difficult and time consuming. Create a "path" so we can hit a new "button" called BLOCK address" that will send the offending address to the BLOCK section.
PAT CIPOLLA commented
Bring back the old AOL. Whoever designed this new AOL should be fired. You will drive many of us out of AOL
Anonymous commented
I got 74 spams in one day! AOL Gold has very poor spam control. I guess it it time to cancel AOL after 23 years.
Anonymous commented
why are we still receiving spam that are drug related & sexually explicit when there are children in the household that can access it ?
MICHAEL GILL commented
For some reason, I have 8 or more spam items in the spam box every day. One or two , if any, has been normal. AT least they are in the spam box and easy to get rid of. It is just unusual.
michael elder commented
AOL don't care about your spam folder not working. Other wise they would fix it. Keep paying for AOL its working for you.
Anonymous commented
Spam controls:
Spam controls insufficient. Need to restore ability to designate words that will block an email in which they appear.
Anonymous commented
In the last few weeks I've started receiving a lot more undesirable and offensive spam on AOL. I see that the spam control that blocks emails containing certain strings in the subject line has been removed. That list was years in the making and was very helpful. Please re-instate this feature - We need it!
Anonymous commented
when are we getting our spam controls back ... you know, the one that actually worked ?
Anonymous commented
I had previously set up numerous (50+) spam filters to eliminate junk mail that I did not want to see in my inbox. Now, suddenly, there are no spam filters under my logon and I receive endless spam. Not acceptable!!!