the crime family in the whitehouse
Free schools and dumb people that voted for trump. How can you not understand? The crime, the corruption that man did and said. #45 calls the democrat mobs. I'm going to let you know how stupid or forgetful #45 is. #45 made a statement about president Obama campaigning while a hurrican was going on. Know #45 is during the same thing. In my home, I have the face pictures of all presidents back from president Dwight D. Eisenhower. The picture after president Obama there is a picture of the #45. Under the pictures, there is a plate that say's commander and chief, but when you get to #45 the plate say's liar, and ***** grabber. Then that dumb said Obama played more golf than running the USA. That ******** #45 lives on the golf course, then working in the oval office.