Location Setting
Location Setting
Location setting from welcome page does not transfer when extended forecast is requested.

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Google Maps does not have permission to use your location. Is what I get on ANY app that needs my location on AOL Desktop. If I open Google Browser, all apps know my location to use them? I just had a AOL Help take remote and they cannot find the settings to allow LOCATION to be set on. They gave up too. HELP.
No matter how many times I type in my zip code of 91335, I always get Los Angeles weather. In the previous version, I got the correct weather. Please separate the towns in Los Angeles County from each other so that I can see what my weather will be!! In other words, bring back what this Gold version failed to do.
Anonymous commented
AOL weather stinks! I have to reset my location "every" time I sign on. And the info is to limited... it just stinks! Seriously getting ready to find a new server. Seriously... "nothing" is the way it was with the old AOL...
Anonymous commented
Why, why, why do I have to keep setting my location for weather???
AOL GOLD **!!!!Suggestion? Give us back the old AOL.... PLEEEEEEEEZE!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Why do I have to set my weather location every time I sign on???? And the weather options have been cut in half?? What is it with you people... don't you care that you are making so many of us unhappy? Guess not, cuz you haven't fixed anything. Do the right thing..admit you goofed (big time) and give us back the old AOL.