AOL needs to stop pushing software on its customers. One just ruined my computer hard drive.
Years ago I had purchased Systems Mechanic, discovered it didn't live up to its performance and I canceled it. Then last year, AOL representative pushed hard for me to buy the new version, saying it would really help me keep my computer running well. Yesterday I had done a memory defrag that recommended several passes. Then right after I noted suddenly I could no longer transfer files from my C drive for a weekly back up session. I have a contract with HP Smartfriend and the tech support did an excellent job in trying to get my file transfer working again. However in a hard drive the hard drive failed, giving a failed ID that HP could verify. I told them about System Mechanics, and they said it was a good program but sometimes it could cause problems on the computer such as in defrags. To now repair my computer it will cost me $400 for HP, which instead I will probably head down to BestBuy.
I am very upset because I had not wanted this Systems Mechanic but the AOL assistant kept pushing and pushing. I just AOL would please stick to what it does best and stop selling all these programs to stuff its pocket with more profits. Running a Web site, I need my computer and wish that AOL would get out of this business as if a used car lot.

I would like to have an expert technician investigate this. Please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364.