I have been stopped from posting on your site for no apparent reason. I do not post hate speech. I had been responding to your Russian trolls who do post hate speech. When ever they are on you have a 600% inversion of "likes" to "dislikes" based on the "bombs" they have planted on your site. They all have the same keyword triggers or phrases they then overwhelm the comment sections with out and out hate speech, violence themes and every conceivable lie they can do over and over. They sign is as a "Guest" then post under 10 names or more in one single day. I often have tried to post ANOTHER "GUEST" RUSSIAN TROLL in warning other posters and it gets taken down while some lie about someone is left to be seen by anyone wanting to be radicalized. My post used to get a great deal of positive likes an few negatives and I was designated a leader. Why was I blocked on what comments?? I am a moderate middle of the road patriot and not a party ideologue. I always posted reasonable post with the exception of a couple out there when frustrated but nothing compared to what is posted on your comments these days in your posted articles these days. I am an angel compared to what your administrators seem to promote when only allowing radicalized hate speech on the site while muzzling the moderates out here. If I was blocked why wasn't I given noticed up??? I have called in over a dozen times on this and was never told I was blocked. That means every attempt prior to this I was lied to when I asked directly if there were a problem with my posts being blocked. I was referred to Huffigton post who had no problem with me and told me it had to be you. If I had violated my terms of service please provide the dates and the comments that were in violation and why I was I not notified. One of the prime reason I subscribe is to be included in the social election process. You have deprived me of those services without every notifying me of why? I could have just gone to the free service and saved myself considerable money over time given I was not the full benefit of services I signed up for and are not being provided. I could have just come on as free loader as the others do and posted hate all day long under different names like "notalibitard" does daily spewing lies and hate, He is misogynistic, racist and fascist in his postings. I am a moderate Republican that is appalled at him trying to represent my party and that seems all you want is the most hateful on here without reasonable responses. You need to justify your actions on this matter as I have done nothing wrong. I have been lied to, wasted hours of my time and paid for services I am not receiving without any notice of any problems or due process. You unilaterally act in darkness then place it on me to finally get through hours of wasted time and technicians to be told finally it was my postings? People already make fun of me for sticking with AOL all these years and I have stayed for the services and platform which you have now devalued greatly. Please respond to why this has occurred with specific detail and dates and quote me the verse and chapter of what the violations were? I do not operate like you on bad or withheld information to make my way through life. I have to be informed with facts. I would assume you are capable of that? I look forward to receiving a reply. Technical was always going to call me back over the last 2 years of this issue and of course never did. Sincerely Kip

Anonymous commented
The AOL site is home to radicalizing conspiracy minded individuals that have formed the foundation of our domestic terrorists. AOL host's and promotes radicalization with hate speech taking out reasonable American discourse. It did not start this way but your site administrators prefer it for the "clicks " they get for advertisers. AOL has sold your souls to the devil and probably pat yourself on the back for it. The other purpose of your site appears to be hosting Russian trolls.Do you have teenagers running the site? The trolls are so easy to spot, but it is evident that your administrators prefers them. You are better off not having the comments sections if this is how you conduct yourself AOL.