Staff training: efficient customer SERVICE focus
Your online how to change password instructions are incorrect (No Account Security page/link-- it goes to Log In screen, without Change Password option).
I called for assistance, Tina asked more than 6 verification questions without starting pw change. I asked her to focus on resetting my password but she said more 'verification" was needed. When I did not have the last 4 digits of my credit card payment handy, she said I didn't know the answers so she couldn't reset the password. I said I answered more than 6 questions already and spent 30+ minutes trying to update my pw, could someone else help me? She said she'd send my landline a voice text for verification; I noted I was on the landline, which does not accept texts. She said she'd check on what other verification was possible--then hung up!
I retrieved my credit card bill and recalled. Kim (very similar/same voice) answered. She asked a few reasonable verification questions then provided a temporary password. Resolved in less than 5 minutes. I thanked her for HER service, and reiterated the need to correct the onsite instructions.

We’re sorry to hear about your experience. It’s certainly our expectation and desire that you receive the highest quality service when working with customer support. We’re sad to hear that it sounds like you did not.
Rest assured that we’ve captured your complaint and will make sure your experience is shared with others in an effort to prevent this in the future.
Judith Barlow commented
Your customer service is appalling. After 12 tries I could not change my AOL password on line. The customer service rep refused to fix the problem unless I gave her information I couldn't possibly have (date I last paid for useless AOL benefits, amount AOL charges me, etc.) unless I was allowed access to my AOL account, which is why I called in the first place. It isn't her fault: Your regulations are more than absurd, they're punitive. After decades at AOL I'll be thinking hard about getting a new service that doesn't treat users this badly.