Get rid of the point system! It means nothing except a popularity contest and that is NOT what AOL is supposed to be!
The point system is a popularity contest and that's disgusting! If people don't like a post then, fine, thumbs down, but now giving points for the number of posts, the number of posts that are liked or read, is ridiculous, unfair, and totally disgusting. GET RID OF IT!
michael elder commented
I only have a one point rating all the time, if I got to settings it shows I have 23k. why don't it show that figure. oh well that's AOL for you. It also puts my comments on wait approving comment. What a joke AOL
Eric Shane commented
I posted facts and got banned I also reorted face book scam pages no iget social widget you cant talk!
NORMAN SHIER commented
This subject is ranked as "90th". I don't believe it. I'll bet there are a lot more irate users out there that are outraged at AOL's censorship policies that make this a more important issue.
NORMAN SHIER commented
AOL's censorship crew is out of control. They are blatantly biased and having the right to censor free speech comments is a dangerous precedent. Eliiminating or editing curse words OK, but deciding what "is good for our community" is being misapplied. AOL should not have the ability of deleting an opposing view and censoring an AOL member without explanation.
MARY KARIM commented
Thank you. I totally agree. AOL has done so many changes on that over the years I can't even believe it.