Address Book. Can you tell me why AOL adds the email address of someone whom I have created as a new address? This is very concerting and f
Address Book. Can you tell me why AOL adds the email address of someone whom I created as a new email address. This is very disconcerting and fills up my address book.

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Fran West commented
All of a sudden my To: field is including the name of the email address. Don't like that and didn't ever intend for that to appear...never. I'm having to go in and change that, delete the full name, before I send an email to a user. Why is that suddenly added when there is no way to suppress that from happening. Would understand if that happened on a business account but not on a personal account. The message that I get is that the email address was automatically added...when the email address is already in my Address Book WITHOUT the name. Want this fixed pronto to the way it was, the email address alone.