When saving to favorite places, it used to save at the end of the list.
Now I have no idea where it saves any new pages I need.

Please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
When I add a new favorite, it gets listed at the BOTTOM of the favorite list as opposed to going alphabetically as was the case in the past. I should not have to click and drag to the proper alphabetiacally position. Please have this situation corrected as it is a nuusance to have this extra step . This did not happen in the past since I have been an AO Lmember. It is quite a inconvenience ans should be fixed
Dennis commented
Please re-alphabetize automatically the Favorites lists. The changes you made are terrible. The names of the websites can't be grouped together anymore. Ex. I have all my printer cartridge companies lumped together as "printer cartridges" to find the best price. If I add a new company no matter how I rename it the name will go to the bottom and get lost in the long favorites listing. Please go back the way it was before you said the team has no plans too change the favorites list.
JANET F MARKEY commented
I need all of my saved "Favorites" back. No idea what happened but there were a lot of them, mostly for work related matters!!!!! How do I get them all back ASAP???