Looks like I am not the only one!!!!!! For your search: “Your rules cost me most of yesterday, my health and my day today!
Now on my own but after hours ++++ of tech help and a totally incompetent and bone == headed C.S. person who would not transfer me to Tech even though I have paid per month since 1085 for that help! and I was up until 4:30 AM this AM, and would not text me to verify me today to help me to get through the problems I had again today with AOL Gold since I had too many texts over the last 12 hours, with no matter that I would leave for an 8 day trip after tomorrow and needed access to my mail and had to use it with no questions, etc., I finally found my own solution. I need to check all my mail on Google from now on and forget that AOL Gold entirely! That was the problem! It kept refusing my passwords which a am really running out of by now. Been with AOL since 1986 and cannot take in much longer with the endless passwords and verifications!!!!! I know we have to be safe but when that safety blocks us out for days and days and even jeapardizes our businesses and safety it is going too far. Agents need to check with whom they are dealing, etc. There was a lot more to this whole long histoire but I am so exhausted and need to try to do some of other things I must do before my trip now. The tech support never told me to go online to check my mail either or to see if it went though easily there and if so then the Gold was faulty, etc. If you have a problem, get rid of it or cancel and download a new one, etc.when you have time. MK

We’re sorry to hear about your experience. It’s certainly our expectation and desire that you receive the highest quality service when working with customer support. We’re sad to hear that it sounds like you did not. Rest assured that we’ve captured your complaint and will make sure your experience is shared with others in an effort to prevent this in the future.