Do you want FEEDBACK about the new AOL CALENDAR?? Well here it is... YUK!!! It needs work!!!
(1) Font is too small... because there's so much wasted space. Do we really need a 2 inch header of mostly blank space? And why does the header say AOL MAIL instead of AOL CALENDAR?
(2) Why is "SHOW TO DO's" listed under ACTIONS instead of listed under SETTINGS? When I turn-off "TO DO's" I want them permanently turned off. I DO NOT want to be forced to turn them off every time I use the Calendar... because "TO DO's" wastes about 2 inches of space on the right-side of the Calendar.
(3) Why is there a 2 inch column on the left side for NEW EVENT and MONTHS? Put them in the HEADER with all that blank space... so the calendar font can be larger and the Calendar can be wider.
(4) Fix the MONTH calendar. I don't want to see the last week of last month and/or the first week of next month. Larger font could be used if the MONTH calendar didn't waste a row at the top and a row at the bottom on other months.
(5) DELETE DOES NOT WORK. When you mark a calendar note as DELETE, it doesn't get removed from the Calendar...even after signing out and back into AOL.
I LOVED AOL CALENDAR... until now. Please fix it.