Here is a suggestion, ANSWER ME!!!
I seem to have been locked out of making comments. I received no warning as to this and NO comment AS TO HOW LONG IT WILL BE. I have tried MANY times to get an answer about this to no avail!
I know you will scream about violating community standards, NO! I know the event that brought it on. I had made a comment that was censored for violating COMMUNITY STANDARDS. I SAW NOTHING THAT WOULD VIOLATE ANY COMMUNITY STANDARDS! I was angered and copied the post and reposted it after removing a sentience which was of course blocked. I did this with each sentience with the same result. When I got down to one sentience I started to remove the words one by one. I finally got down to the offensive word! The F bomb, FAITH! FAITH! That word goes against COMMUNITY STANDARDS? The term COMMUNITY STANDARDS is so fuzzing and confusing as to be worthless. NEVER is the violation explained, nor a list of ‘OFFENSIVE WORDS” available. Your policy is like a policeman writing up a ticket AND NEVER TELLING YOU WHY
I’m sure the censorship people are doing a GREAT job, seeing as NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM!
Your censorship people are totally out of control. They have also managed to guard themselves behind a fortress of red tape. I have spent hours in chats and telephone calls which direct me to the FEEDBACK screen. I did that repeatedly and am sure you folks don't even READ THAT!
i have been a customer for DECADES and do not take kindly to being IGNORED! As I said I have been with AOL since the beginning and have watch your service to slowly drop. I have USUALLY managed to get an answer, Until now.
Now I am angered as to your silence. This is a futile attempt at getting an answer AS I KNOW YOU WILL NOT ONLY NOT ADDRESS THE PROBLEM, YOU WILL NOT EVEN ADMIT A PROBLEM EXISTS!

Eric Shane commented
I have reported aol/yahoos actions to my congressional represenative jim jordens office with screen shots there will be a reckoning
Eric Shane commented
every day o see community standards vilated and bots comments so I have started calling out the bias and flagging