A few weeks ago my entire email List somehow was somehow converted into different categories. I didn't choose or set up these categories.
A few weeks ago my entire email List somehow was converted into different categories. I didn't choose or set up these categories. Some of my contacts were eliminated completely.
Also when I get an email it starts talking to me.
How do I get rid of all of this and get my old email setup back?
Thank you.

Please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
Critical issue for me. AOL automatically posting these into "whatever you are calling them" without my permission is causing a lot of issues and certainly wasting my time.
I didn't request this nor do I want it.
Please change it back to my original settings asap and without the sound system talking to me about my email. I hate this.
Please get this done asap or it is time to switch for me after what 40 plus years with AOL.