Newsfeed photos
Please go back to the photo style as in the past. These enlarged photos are not something that works. They do nothing for me. The earlier version at least gives some additional views the related topics. If I want large photos I will increase the size myself. Whomever came up with the idea of increasing the size probably never gave it much thought in relation to the news stories. Bring back the previous version!

JOHN E FLYNN commented
The enlarged photos in the recently changed Newsfeed are atrocious to say the least! Go back to the previous photos/pictures in relation to the news story. This new change looks like a child in 2nd grade put this together! It is in no way a professional depiction of any of the stories presented in the Newsfeed! It is not pleasing to the eye and all it does is to promote the star of the day! Go back to the way it has been for many years.