you need to put a block feature in email. I keep getting the same mail I marked for spam
Soup commented
Block spam
Anonymous commented
In the app, in the SPAM folder, one should be able to select all or one sender and ADD those spam senders to a "Block Sender" list. Currently, the only way to do this is log onto the PC version of AOL.
Francine Clodomar commented
add in email setting in Android apps, a way to create a sam filter for the user to block spam from spam URLs from reaching the spam box. it used to be done before it was taken out.
Anonymous commented
keep getting spam mail in regular mail. even though it's different items it's the same thing and it won't let me unscribe from it
Anonymous commented
absolutely. all of you tech companies filter everything except this annoying ****
where are aly filesthey are gone p
my files are all empty why
Anonymous commented
What happened! I wasn't getting these gross spam emails before, now they're non stop and repeats.
Anonymous commented
stop with the same spam. over and over it's same companies
Howard Harris commented
we need to be able to block scammer emails I have so many of them where I would need to delete my account
Anonymous commented
somebody is getting paid to let SPAM through imo
CC commented
Same for me! And yet my phone bill that I mark as "not spam" every month gets put into spam box!
Anonymous commented
block choice is democracy aol
Anonymous commented
HELP catch phishing scammers
sabelo commented
its **** slow and annoying it takes time to load email
Anonymous commented
I agree. repeated posts from emails marked as spam or others I've unsubcribed from. your filters are very poor.
Anonymous commented
Please add this to the app! It is annoying seeing all these reoccurring emails in the spam folder! Lately I'm seeing dozens!