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This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve AOL. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
55 results found
CefSharp is killing my use of AOL. Get rid of it!!!!
The CefSharp subprocesses are killing AOL, eating up computer memory and, so far as I can tell, adding nothing to AOL. If they don't fix it, I'll have to go elsewhere.
Let me have an expert technician look more into this. Please get in touch with them so they can further investigate: 1-800-827-6364 or
I agreed to pay $20 to remove ads from my AOL. I want to cancel that since the ads are still there. I will call my bank to refuse this transaction.
We want to have one of our agents to look into this. Please call at 800-300-5017.
email on desktop take forever to load, and after a while, est. 3 mins to load the the message, it will ask if I want to use the std view to load.
What did you do over there when you were selling aol??
In other words the desktop web browser email is dead to me...... -
Please email us at for any questions or technical issues. For account related issues, please contact our Customer Support team at 800-300-5017 Monday – Friday (8 AM – 1 AM ET,) and Saturday (8 AM – 10 PM ET.)
I NEED YOUR HELP. MY EMAIL ID WAS HACKED BY SOMEONE AND THAT HACKER IS CONSTANTLY MESSAGING MY CLIENTS USING YOUR EMAIL SERVICE. MY ID IS *** and the hacker is using ***** . Please look into this matter and block that user so that he can't harm us in future. If you can't do that please let me know so that I can officially file complain.
Unfortunately, we’re unable to take any specific action on an account based on your feedback alone, however, if a user is abusing our system to send mail, we’re definitely interested. Please reach out to our Community Action Team at where a team focused on such experiences can review and take the appropriate action. For security reasons, they’ll be limited in the information they can share back, however, we’re dedicated to ensuring our users don’t abuse our system, and the Community Action Team will act accordingly.
Bust this impersonating site
AOL Customer Service Number ********
This site showed up when I wanted customer service. They tried to sell me a Firewall, seems like quite a fake thing. You ought to get them busted:
AOL Customer Service Number ********* Toll Free AOL email services have acquired the position of a famous email service. These services could be used for conveying the messages across the world.
We have sent this to the appropriate team for review. If you encounter any issues with your email account, you can contact our Customer Support team at 800-300-5017 Monday – Friday (8 AM to 1 AM ET,) and Saturday (8 AM and 10 PM ET.)
Seen on start-up page
Terms | Privacy
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Please reach out to them at
I am not able to give you my new credit card information. I have been sent in circles for 30 minutes.
It is impossible to change my credit card number. I will have to let this account go.
We don’t have access to billing information through this forum. Please call one of our agents at 800-300-5017 so they can look more into your issue.
how about sending a password reset to the user email address,it is that simple
how about sending a password reset to the user email address,it is that simple:
As much as I would like to help you directly, for security concerns, we do not handle account information through this forum since it’s a public forum. This is going to take one of our agents to verify your account. They can be reached by contacting our AOL Customer Support team at 1-800-300-5017. Thank you!
requesting for a password reset and i do not have an alternate email my active phone number is ******
i cannot log nto aol it tells me my password is nvalid i do not have an alternate email account my active cell number is *****
As much as I would like to help you directly, for security concerns, we do not handle account information through this forum since it’s a public forum. This is going to take one of our agents to verify your account. They can be reached by contacting our AOL Customer Support team at 1-800-827-6364 Monday through Friday between 8 AM to 1 AM ET, and Saturday between 8 AM and 10 PM ET.
AOL HELP need correction
Lost all my sound on AOL AOL HELP gives a phone number to call for support but is an outside company which charges for service . AOL needs to have free tech support as we already pay a monthly charge for service-- which by the way seems to have lessen in quality
Please contact our Customer Support team at 800-300-5017 Monday through Friday between 8 AM to 1 AM ET, and Saturday between 8 AM and 10 PM ET.
when I click to sign in on AOL page I get this?
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We want to have one of our mail support agents look more into this. Please send an email to with as many details as possible, including your username.
I have a program called Byte Fence that comes up every few seconds whenever I'm using my computer. I want this sales pitch for Byte Fence to go away.
We would like to have one of our Technical Support agents look more into this. Please reach out to them at: 1-800-827-6364.
Can you please tell me just why now when I click on my mail everything such as new mail, old mail etc is all in German I guess it is now?
Can you please tell me just why now when I click on my mail everything such as new mail, old mail etc is all in German I guess it is now?
We have a solution for you, please clear your browser history, cookies and cache here’s how:
Also, make sure that you have the latest version of the browser installed. You can go to using a different browser.
If you encounter the same issue again, please contact the Customer Support team at
Provide means to report a malfuntioning features on AOL Mail
The AOL News, Weather, Entertainment feature on AOL Mail is malfunctioning on my desktop PC and there is no way to report this glitch to have it fixed. The "help site" does not address this issue nor does "send us an email".
Thank you for sharing your experience. If you are encountering issues with the news carousel not working properly, please note that this issue is already being looked in. There are several ways to reach out to us for any issues you encounter with the AOL Products. If you want to provide feedback, please continue to submit suggestions here on the UserVoice platform. Should you encounter any technical support you can email our technicians via or you can call in at 1-800-827-6364.
I need tech support, I am a paying customer.
Hire more people.
You can reach our tech support team by calling 1-800-827-6364.
Please contact Yahoo Finance:
Random charges
You can improve by telling me why there is a random $10 charge from on my checking account when I don't use aol in any shape, form or fashion.
As much as I would like to help you directly, for security concerns, we do not handle billing information through this forum. This article may answer your questions: If you have additional questions, call the AOL Billing Team at 1-800-827-6364 Monday – Friday (8 AM to 1 AM ET,) and Saturday (8 AM and 10 PM ET.)
well, you could answer the question instead of telling me the question was answered before it was even asked.
Well, you could let me read my mail. All too often (like now again) all I get is that you are having trouble with that and that I should try
(No Status) → Responded
The issue with AOL Mail is now resolved. We appreciate your patience with us.We want to have one of our mail support agents look more into this. Please send an email to with as many details as possible, including your username.
I stopped using MCAfee
an upgrade of definition by McAfee decided my modem at that time was a virus and it wouldn't work. I had to using a restore point to get back online. I then found out that Microsoft has a free antivirus and firewall.
So my membership included McAfee so I was paying for a service I wasn't getting.Please contact our phone support representatives at the following number: 1-800-827-6364, Monday – Friday (8 AM – 1 AM ET,) and Saturday (8 AM – 10 PM ET.). They will be more than happy to help you.
- Don't see your idea?