Make spell check work correctly
Make spell check work like it did in the past
AOL Desktop Gold has a new way of spell checking your emails. This is done automatically, in real time, as you compose your messages.
When the AOL Desktop Gold detects a spelling error, the word is highlighted by a red line under it. (Click the link below to see an image for an example)
To correct the spelling error, right-click the word and select one of the options provided. (Click the link below to see an image for an example)
NICK SCHRIER commented
Fix spell check window. Allow us to fix the questionable spelling of word instead of having to exit spell check kill/edit the word in the body of the email and then accept it!!!!!!!
This should be easy. -
When are you going to make Gold as good as the previous version! I pointed out the first time I used Gold that the spell check is really inferior to the old one: We need to be able to start it where we put the pointer, not having to go through the whole mail each time especially as you don't have a Skip All feature so proper names or words that are not in Spell Check are repeated all through the spell check process. As the previous version had this I don't understand why this is still missing???
Anonymous commented
The current spell checker is a moron. It doesn't recognize common words, my screen name. Sometimes it marks my own name as misspelled even though it's a common name. Yet there's no option to disable it. Users shouldn't be stuck with a non-working feature. Especially those of us who still PAY for the service.
Will Boschman commented
spell check isnt working the way it used to be just ;like the old aol desktop
EDWARD FLECK commented
1) Add to Spell Checker "Skip All."
2) When Spell Checker finds a misspelling in the Questionable section and the suggested words in the Suggestions section do not offer the right word, please allow the user to make the correction in the Questionable section as you formerly allowed.
Anonymous commented
I compose my emails properly and check all spelling manually. I do not trust your spellcheck. When I get a reply back, there are missing letters, missing words, and blanks. The replyer to me has no ability to alter the email from me. SO it must be happening in the fine offices of AOL. What the h... is going on. You have no right to do that. It happens time and again. I have to pay you now and your service has become unreliable and down right dangerous since your equipment is changing my email. In the legal business, that is dangerous. But of coiurse you just charge and never correct anything.
RONALD FLORA commented
It's something every day!!
Anonymous commented
Sure would be nice to see a Grammar checker some day.
NICK SCHRIER commented
AOL used to correc such mispellings such as teh etc. NO MORE WHY????
I think you need to bring back the spell check in 9 which allowed:
A: to Skip All so if you are using a proper name or word that is not in the dictionary, you have to click each time
B: All spell check to start where the pointer is rather than always have to go through the whole document.
C: I'd also like to bring back the screen that allows you to see if you have emails in other accounts rather than have to check each one even if there are no emails there.
Thank you
I want my old dictionary back. I'm sick and tired of adding words that then do not pop up as corrections when I need them!
Mike commented
why is spell check not working for e-mails? I have sent in at least 4 "report a bug" and no reply from AOL. How about fixing the issue or at least responding to my reports
Spell check does not catch a missing CAPITAL letter at the beginning of a sentence or a lower case "i" which s/b an upper case "I."
Anonymous commented
get speck check to change the same repeated error . for example i for I. The pre GOLD version did this every time
Marj commented
If an AOL subscriber is in a hurry to send an email and doesn't take the time to consider AOL spell-check suggestions, just approving a spelling typed in haste but incorrect, there is no dictionary so that the subscriber can delete the incorrect spelling and leave just the correct spelling. As an AOL Gold subscriber, I consider this scandalous. People want their names spelled correctly, and people are judged by their spelling. One can't just shrug and say, "Good enough." I have long been an AOL subscriber, but I will not continue to be if AOL makes me look anywhere from careless to uneducated. Thank you for your anticipated attention and effort to make AOL work for writers who strive to make a good impression and are entitled to succeed.
Anonymous commented
In the past, there was a Dictionary under the Edit tab. Will you be adding that back?
mj commented
you need to allow grammarly on aol gold. It's great. Its grammar and spelling.
Anonymous commented
before gold if I wrote i in a letter instead of I ath the end spell check would query this and then correct all i's to I.
Now spell check does not recognise i is a textural error. i wrote to you months ago about this -
Anonymous commented
also Instant messages and buddy list.. i cant insert backgrounds in my emails. we have lost all these features...also allowing over 100 people in one room is insane!!! the room moves so fast there is no way to keep up, also it is so hard to ignore people when their name s arent in alphabetical order,,I was told after the old AOl closed in december the buddylist and Instant messages will be back, It was not true. aol you have ruined so many friendships we have had for many years because most of old member refuse to pay for a program that offers less features.
Anonymous commented
Fix spell check...what the **** do you guys do at AOL????