On the Welcome page, having us go page after page after page to read an article creates the kind of disgust I see in Facebook with theirs.
In Facebook, the articles that go page after page after page create the most negative feedback of anything in Facebook. And now you are doing the same. I swear, 17 pages to read a single article? Give me a break!
Why can't you put articles and stories on one page. I don't even read AOL stuff any more because I don't want to have to click "next" a dozen times. It's ridiculous.
I cannot read a news story requiring me to click NEXT dozens of times without the website jumping to attempt to get me to click an ad on the page. It takes forever to get through a news story and I give up in disgust, don't finish the story and refuse to click on the ads on any of the pages voluntarily. How much do these annoying false clicks net AOL in money?
Alice-Anne Birch commented
Anonymous commented
Agreed. Only Huffington Post does this. Plus they present animal abuse stories that tear your heart out and leave you in a horribly sad mood for days. Get rid of them PLEASE!
Anonymous commented
Limit news stories to a few screens instead of the usual 12 to 16.
Harriet commented
Get rid of the next, next and don't rename it like you have. You are making too much money going one little paragraph and then 2 to 3 advertisements pop up right when you are trying to read the article, it makes me want to scream.
Anonymous commented
I thought after all the complaints you received that you would change the Welcome page so that folk don;t have to scroll through pages of NEXT, NEXT, NEXT, NEXT, etc. etc. to read a story. You must be able to track how many times people get fed up and don;t continue so what's the point of putting ads there. Put what ads you want on the first page only and finish the story there.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE allow your paying customer base to go back to desktop.
I cannot take aol gold anymore! -
Richard Thompson commented
Also in AOL Gold, you try to send an email and you wait and wait and wait, then it tells you that AOL is having a problem in sending, try back in 5 minutes. Why do you keep having problems? Do away with your Gold and go back to the regular format. AOL, you all have your heads so far up your butts, you don't hear us customers.
Richard Thompson commented
When you post a news clip, why not show the entire thing, instead of having us keep going to a new screen for umptteen million times. And if we are lucky, we can read the whole article. You AOL Gold sucks. As soon as I can get things set up, I am going to leave AOL for good.
Anni commented
Get someone who can write articles and not caption pictures. We don't have time to view 50 pages of a story so we close it! But we can read so cut down on the pages (and it takes hours to go from screen to screen) and have a story, not a comic strip. Also, please quit recycling news stores from years ago.
Anonymous commented
Delete having to go to the Next Page to read and article
Anonymous commented
My idea is to do away with the 70 stories on gold when you sign on
Too many Next, Next, Next!!And way too many add's
You could tell the whole story in one small paragraph!
Do we really look that stupid???
And.... You never tell the meat of the story until you get tired of clicking next. and sometimes Next styops working.
By the way... it is very clever when you go to click on next it forces you to automatically go up and click on another stupid Ad!! VERY CLEVER If your tech people was as smart in fixing bugs, and there are many, this would be nice!!!
Gold really needs lots of work!! -
Anonymous commented
Totally agree - I have given up on reading the Welcome Page - just page, after page of advertisements while trying to read an article - you would get more readers (and therefore more readers of advertisements) if you kept it to one page per article and one page of advertisements. People start giving up and close off so what advertisements benefit from that?
Lynn Miller commented
Remove sites that make you scroll through ten pages of fluff and nonsense.
Lynn Miller commented
Remove Boredom Therapy from AOL
BETTY GORDON commented
ditto everything said in thispost
Anonymous commented
Buttons don't work, application don't work, I CAN'T EVEN GIVE YOU MONEY BECAUSE i CAN'T GET TO THE CHANGE CARD SITE. I really don't like being distracted by the **** advertising while reading my mail, AND I PAY FOR MY MAIL!!!!!!! The list goes on and on, I am considering closing my account after 25 plus years!+
Anonymous commented
Those 70 articles are a big joke.
I refuse to watch any of them anymore.
Next, Next, Next, and the sad part the whole story would fit in one simple paragraph
I know...
Lets cram lots of commercials down their throats!!
I have been with AOL for years but I am just about to leave for good >
And I always have been a PAYING customer Never free!!! -
Anonymous commented
This is the worst and most offending thing about AOL:. I refuse to read their news because of this. I now go to other places to read news. Huffington Post is also a rag paper. They exaggerate the headlines with words like Amazing or Unbelievable when that is not the case at all.