Please! Stop with the horrible animal torture and abuse stories
Please! Stop with the horrible animal torture and abuse stories on AOL News! Today there is one of bear horribly tortured with some sort of torture device on his/her body. Absolutely abhorrent. Please discontinue this now.
Anonymous commented
STOP the animal abuse/torture stories. I don't turn on my computer to be sickened and upset. STOP IT!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
There must be something we can do to stop these horrendous outrageous animal abuse stories and pictures and I am thinking hard about what can be done. This alone is enough to make me leave AOL. If you say "just don't read the stories" that does not help because seeing the headline is enough to do us in.... and not just for the day but forever. My head is fully of all of these stories almost daily from articles I read months ago.
Maybe the Huffnigton Post should be reported for causing this distress to so many of us. I am an avid read of many publications and have never seen articles like this anywhere else.
Anonymous commented
Once and for all, stop these articles!!! What will it take to make you stop printing these extremely distressing articles?
Anonymous commented
I despise these abuse stories. They ruin my day and there is no reason why we should have to put up with that. Always going for the sensational. Just like all the stories about women and their dress. It is tiring. Huffington Post? I thought you were about serious news. Please make some changes; if not, then I will be the one making changes. This is abhorrent.
Anonymous commented
Okay, you have heard from enough people; now stop these stories; do something about it now or I am going to drop AOL. I am sick and tired of it.
Anonymous commented
Yes! Stop it immediately! You have enough complaints about this. Again this morning as soon as I opened my eyes and went to the news there was yet another animal abuse story concerning an abandoned puppy. What is wrong with you AOL? Where is your judgement? Why are you doing this?: Do you not care that this is greatly upsetting many of us?? For this reason and more I absolute HATE AOL.
Anonymous commented
Can you please stop showing cruelty to animals stories? I am about ready to give up on AOL. I don't want to see those things. Also, why do you repeat the same stories so often? Better to have less subjects and stop the repetition.
CAROL REILLY commented
Please stop giving more ideas to people who abuse animals!
Lynn Miller commented
Stop denigrating women with wardrobe "news" and do not post animal abuse stories unless a petition to stop them is mentioned and noted.
Lynn Miller commented
stop the animal abuse stories unless a petition to comabat them is attached. And stop the mysoginistic stories about women's attire.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I found out today that AOL owns The Huffington Post. You can look it up at Google. would be easy for them to change the editorials at this publication and for starters get rid of the animal abuse stories.
No that I know AOL owns this rag publication they have gone down even further in my eyes.
Anonymous commented
Huffington Post: Stop This!!!! "Woman arrested for cooking her dog alive in oven."
PLEASE! Stop these horrid animal abuse articles from appearing day after day. They are beyond animal abuse and are making us sick and more than sad! So many people are complaining yet you do nothing about it. Not eve a single reply from you on this forum to the many who have complained. This just proves the lack of caring, integrity, and intelligence of AOL as a company. How can you allow this? How can you expose us to these horror stories? Why are you not doing anything about this?
Anonymous commented
Please stop this. They are very upsetting to 'normal' people. Maybe you should establish a seperate tab and put all the horrible animal stories there. That way the sick perverts who like this sort of thing would know right where to go leaving the rest of us free from having to be assaulted by these awful, upsetting stories. What the **** is the matter with you people anyway???
Carole Sanfilippo commented
No more depressing animal stories, most of AOL is old news or recycled..I pay for AOL for e mail otherwise I go to other sites for news stories and happy articles. Get it togeather AOL
Anonymous commented
I agree. Every day there is a horrible story about a dog or other animal being abused. What is the point of this? This is distressing to your readers and frankly disgusting
Alice-Anne Birch commented
As a animal rescue supporter, even i say too much is too much. Go after the perps and print THEIR pictures!! Support the rescue organizations, but not this way.
Anonymous commented
These abusive animal stories are coloring my world and making me more than sad and upset. How can you not see that articles like this are distressing???