If I write about a purchase I GET SPAM EMAIL about it. Cut it out.
stop reading my emails and then sending spam offers about the purchasing discussion within MY EMAILS.
To permanently block these emails, you will need to adjust you Spam Controls by following the steps below:
1. Open your Mailbox, and click on “Spam Controls” on the bottom right (below the Report Spam button).
2. Add the email address from which you are receiving these unwanted emails in the box below the “Block mail from addresses I specify” field.
3. Set the Blocked Mail option to “Permanently Delete Blocked Mail”
4. Click “Save” at the bottom.
Please note that by settings the Permanently Delete Blocked Mail option, the emails Identified as unwanted based on your Sender Filter (Block mail from addresses I specify) and Content Filter will be permanently blocked (will not go to the Spam folder), and returned to the sender as undeliverable. Before setting this option, please review the list of blocked email addresses in your Sender Filter and the list of blocked words and phrases from the Content Filter (make sure it does not contain any commonly used words).
Helena Molnar commented
Multiple times a day I am receiving dressed and undressed women looking for a man in my spam. How do I get it to stop? The women are all from Russia and/or territories. I am a 59 year old woman who does not appreciated these types of emails. I have no idea how it got started, but I need these emails to stop coming to me!
Carol Rall commented
How can I keep SPAM from going to my personal email??????
Anonymous commented
please put a halt to this ****
Joy Caravelli commented
keep spam off of my new mail account add appear only on spam account
OMG!!! 33 emails in my spam folder all starting with "contact" and then a list of different names....How the "Harry" do you list them so they are BLOCKED? Just listing "Contact" should be enough that they don't get through! That 33 was the second time I emptied the Spam folder today! First time it was 20+! Setting the filter does NOTHING! and yes I am shouting. Maybe then the brains behind AOL GOLD will get the message to do something instead of merging this with others. They might actually FIX IT!
Anonymous commented
Daily spam is much worse. mail from sources containing miscellaneous letters in caps and not, numbers, etc., with content that is obviously spam is suddenly, in the past few weeks, getting in. Can't AOL stop these? They are so obviously spam. It's impossible to block them all as they are all different combinations of letters. Get back to work and fix this!
Lee commented
Can't you prevent this scam from appearing? Dear client Time Warner Cable Internet Llc, congratulations!
We would like to thank you for your loyalty to Time Warner Cable Internet Llc, and thus we offer you an exclusive chance to get a Walmart $1000 Gift Card today - September 09 (Sunday), 2018. All you have to do is choose the correct gift box. Good luck!
Anonymous commented
Give me back the ability to toggle on spam settings
On 8/24 my spam control page changed for my primary AOL email address and all the addresses I had previously blocked have become unblocked. Now I'm being bombarded by addresses I had excluded previously. I can send pictures of what I mean.
Petra Soule commented
adding to spam cibtrik
you took away our ability to directly send an unwanted email address to our spam control since teaming up with Verizon and changing to AOL GOLD.... was able to just right click on a senders email and send it directly to spam control WHY HAVE YOU NOT GIVEN US THIS ABILITY BACK??????????????????????????????????????? -
Helena Molnar commented
In my business email I am getting way too much spam. Today the subject was Do you want to ****? I am not that type of person nor do I appreciate these emails. In my personal email I get a minimum of 8 emails in my spam a week with pictures of women from Russia or the surrounding countries that either have clothes on or they are naked. They are looking for a man. I am a female not a man! I cannot get anyone to get these emails to stop coming to me. My personal email is **81859@aol.com.
ROBERT JAMES commented
Don't understand why AOL does not develop a simple one click block the sender process. I get 70 - plus a week and blocking them using the current system is just too time consuming.
Helena Molnar commented
How do I get these Russian women to quit sending me nude pictures of themselves? They are looking for men and I am a woman and do not appreciate their emails.
David Herndon commented
In recent weeks, I have been getting an excessive amount of junk mail with large letter-number email addresses such as the following: AyfFrhekjilhgiidE@leo1348t9ndf.com.
Why cannot the AOL spam filter stop this obvious spam. -
Mark Pickelhaupt commented
Can't you put a stop this this. It goes away for awhile and then comes back again?
Anonymous commented
opps that word is content
Anonymous commented
Too much spam with the word content in the address. I put the word contgent in the spam word filter and it still comes thru Thanks for looking into this matter
Anonymous commented
I am a "paying" customer of AOL. I cannot even read a news article because the SPAM is covering the articles and I have to constantly hit "next" to read an article. You really are alienating your "paying" customers. I'm ready to leave.
Anonymous commented
Please fix the SPAM controls. I keep adding words to the spam filter and continue to receive e-mail with the same words in the subject line.
golfer299 commented
The spam folder option allows AOL to "guess" what is spam and block it. it also allows the user to designate senders to block. The problem is the only choice is either to send it to the spam folder or directly to trash. Directly to trash is fine for my designated spam senders but since I can't know what AOL is going to block I want those to go to the spam folder so I can review them. I get a lot of spam (much more than wanted email) and about half the spam could go to directly to trash. I would like the option to have certain designated senders email go directly to trash and other spam go to the spam folder. That way I can better manage both my inbox and my spam folder. Being able to efficiently manager spam is increasing important and AOL should enhance it's capability here..