Why am I not being allowed to sign on and getting the following message?
Failed to load URL http://api.screenname.aol.com/auth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=ao1dOTQOM6W93Imf&state=LBHQi8WKR72cBlpwMmdhXtxXmLiyo70GsaeNpqZrc68%3d&redirect_uri=waol-app%3A%2F%2Faol-auth/?nosave=true&scope=login_tih%20addressbook%20openMailGeneral%20opencalendar%20favorites%20offline_access%20web_session%20email&language=en-US&login_id=twillard6 with error ERRTOOMANY_REDIRECTS (TooManyRedirects).
Steve commented
Fix this! I'm paying money for this site, so get it done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lug commented
Can't log in. Such a joke....
Dick commented
Failed to load URL http://api.screenname.aol.com/auth/getToken?devId=ao1fdj2RfSjLxBAs&f=qs&r=st%3Di3yztiv7zzo%26m%3D%252Fcontact%252F&succUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.aol.com%2F_uac%2FauthReceiver.html with error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (TooManyRedirects).
Anonymous commented
I can sign in on my original screen name but none of the sub names will let me enter the password. what is the problem?
Anonymous commented
I still can't sign on to AOL. When is this going to be fixed??
chris commented
do not like the NEW and IMPROVED AOL would rather have the old one back the new one sucks............................................................
chris commented
make it easier to sign into aol now that we have to pay for it i can't even sign into it??????????????????????what the ****..............
David commented
You are not aware or it. It has been **** since you made us use it. Just go back
David commented
go back to previous version. Gold is ****
Anonymous commented
Are you going to fix the URL load problem with err too many redirects?
Mike commented
Iget this stupid note all day today when I try to sign in to one of my screen names.....Failed to load URL http://api.screenname.aol.com/auth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=ao1dOTQOM6W93Imf&state=%2bQkrZPrR4dRBaQryX3xuid1eRvBD8yKHKcEGlboiTBM%3d&redirect_uri=waol-app%3A%2F%2Faol-auth/?nosave=true&scope=login_tih%20addressbook%20openMailGeneral%20opencalendar%20favorites%20offline_access%20web_session%20email&language=en-US&login_id=eighton8%40aol.com with error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (TooManyRedirects).
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
fskimin commented
Fix it !! Or, bring back the AOL Blue.
My idea is that you should just fix it!!! I need my calendar!!
bob k. commented
been happening for several days now - used report abug , but like usual for aol comments fall on deaf ears -
Linda LeBeau commented
Failed to load URL http://api.screenname.aol.com/auth/getToken?devId=ao1fdj2RfSjLxBAs&f=qs&r=st%3Durcdclugbg%26m%3D%252Fcontact%252F&succUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.aol.com%2F_uac%2FauthReceiver.html with error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (TooManyRedirects). WHY AM I GETTING THIS MSG. I CAN'T SIGN IN
Deb commented
Please go back to the previous version of AOL. You're going to end up losing all of your customers.
Anonymous commented
Happens when I try to log on. I hate paying for something that doesn't work properly like we were promised !!!!!!!!!
Francis Paranzino commented
how do you fix this
Failed to load URL http://api.screenname.aol.com/auth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=ao1dOTQOM6W93Imf&state=5lT%2fzWXDcz%2fC%2bSHKkOQaODZm3uPeFi%2fp5E93PQ%2fCJms%3d&redirect_uri=waol-app%3A%2F%2Faol-auth-nosave&scope=login_tih%20addressbook%20openMailGeneral%20opencalendar%20favorites%20offline_access%20web_session%20offline_access%20web_session%20email&prompt=yes&language=en-US&login_id=paranzino with error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (TooManyRedirects). -
I try to log in and I can't a msg: Failed to load URL http://api.screenname.aol.com/auth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=ao1dOTQOM6W93Imf&state=3TiF0wJ9fhbJPjpf98yH6CAaBwUEy8z1%2b8Bex%2fk%2bZEA%3d&redirect_uri=waol-app%3A%2F%2Faol-auth/?nosave=true&scope=login_tih%20addressbook%20openMailGeneral%20opencalendar%20favorites%20offline_access%20web_session%20email&language=en-US&login_id=eischerrnj with error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (TooManyRedirects).
I tried to clear footprints, but it still doesn' work!
David commented
AOL continues to be problematic. I am unable to send emails without getting a message that it is not available....and there are login issues.