AOL - Create A One page only sign on screen
Set up a single (yes, just one and ONLY one) page sign on screen.
Currently, there is a maximum of seven possible sign on ID's for an account.
Also, asking for an agreement to terms of service each time a feedback is written is unnecessary. I believe that just using aol is an affirmation to accepting TOS every time aol is accessed by a user.
List them vertically, all on one single page. Yes, they will all fit. Pair each one with a blank box underneath the supplied Sign on ID, to allow entry of the password that matches that sign on ID. The user will simply click into the desired empty box and enter the password that is paired with the ID the user wants to use for that session.
If there is an ID/Password error, display an error message and place the cursor back into the box that was just used and allow the user to reenter to correct or tab to a different ID/Password box to try again with a different combination.
The number of emails waiting can be listed in front of each ID in the list, giving the user the option to sign on to an account that has mail waiting to be read.
This is a SINGLE sign on screen. None of the current multiple clicking, and changing screens just to sign in. More information is presented to the user on this one screen than is currently available on the joke that is the current sign on procedure.
I designed computer systems for a living for thirty years. This type of task would have been assigned in my early programming classes in college. Why this is so difficult for your professional programmers to get right is puzzling me beyond words. If they can't (or worse, won't) do this, FIRE THEM and get some competent programmers on your staff. This is unforgivable what you are doing to your users with incompetent staff on board.
Also, releasing updates without thorough testing (Yes, that is is so obvious) is something that would cause the firing of a programmer from my staff. Why not yours???
You owe your users an explanation and apology!!!

Anonymous commented
Re: Your ideas/set-up for one page sign on screen: THIS IS BRILLIANT! I wish they could/would set it up this way.