How do I block Politics, Government and Corruption from Welcome Page when signing-in to aol?
When it comes to freedom of choice, It would be nice for AOL to be recognized as the World Leader in Customer Satisfaction Rating for Providing Internet Service by empowering subscriber to regain control over their sign-in welcome page by providing additional categories to select as their default Welcome Screen when signing-on to AOL.
Our Nation has more positive and uplifting choses to learn, share and report than choosing to make a living off some people flaws, many are lacking and other people misery.
We must leave our loved-ones unprotected when they are not in our presence whether it is going to school, work, traveling or socializing. Everyday, has become a painful reminder how unsafe this society and country has become.
But to have no control over what the welcome screen category will display in front of the our love-ones is rarely a positive and uplifting. This makes is more difficult for Parent and Guardians to Protect their Family in their own Homes. Many Parents, Guardians, and Individual Law Biding Subscribers are trying very hard not to allow guns, or violence, or negative drama in our home or around our families, why should I allow negative media to imprison my home?
Our Nation as a whole has been introduced through the media supremacy exposure to unjustifiable corruptions, innocent suppression, human trafficking, increased violence, crimes, drug abusers, teen suicides, and have witnessed and mourned massage death of innocence Victims in Public Schools, Churches, Communities, Casinos, Clubs including the loss of innocent Bystander Lives including innocent Law Enforcement Agencies, Fire and Rescue Teams across America Serving in the Line of Duty and Let’s not forget how valuable Our Military and Our Veterans suffering from PTSD. Don’t they deserve to view something Positive instead of Depressing or Disappointment when signing-on to AOL? Listening and responding to subscriber’s suggestions are an important reason any Media Corporation should be undisputed World Leader as Internet Service Provider.
This is not a petition, It is only a suggestion representing concerned AOL Subscribers interested in supporting Individuals, Parent and Family Members additional Welcome Screen when Signing-On.
Family Man who believes in protecting his family and home
This message is not intended to tear down AOL- It is intended to assist AOL Decision Makers in considering Developing Sign-In Welcome Page Categories which focuses on Providing a Positive Foundations which includes:
Family Values, Respect, and Inspiration topics for All Human Being.
Education, Leisure, Trivia,
Non-Violent Welcome Page
Non-Bullying Welcome Page
Non-Government or Politics Welcome Page
Non-Hostile Welcome Page
Welcome Page Categories and Supporting a Better AOL Subscriber Base and Atmosphere for many of their loyal paying subscribers.
Many of AOL subscribers are positive, peaceful, and family oriented. We feel like AOL welcome page is politically controlled forcing all subscribers to view unwanted politic, government and corruption which is depressing as soon as we sign-on to AOL. If we wanted to view this all we need to do is watch the news on TV.
We feel there should be some alternative categories for our welcome page that is catered to a more relaxing atmosphere to view.
Example: If we want to watch TV or Listen to Music - we can select any categories we want to watch, when we log-in to AOL, it would be nice to have more category options to manage or create a default setting on our welcome screen suitable for all AOL paying subscribers.

Sue commented
I agree, if I want to see Political **** I will watch TV
Shelton Pierce commented
Agree that a service you pay for should allow such choices.
Anonymous commented
WELCOME SCREEN HAS NOT LOADED IN WEEKS - so i'm been spared the irrevalant trash lately
Anonymous commented
defaulting to all AOL news , huffington post , + etc. on welcome screen is their attempt to control users choices -
bob k. commented
most biased , untruthful , untimely , + non pertinent on the entire web - Huff post , aol , verizon < oath can not be trusted at all - basically trying to control subscribers reading content -