I have been an AOL member for over 20 years, and have used your program as my primary email program. Recently, AOL has discontinued the 9.8
I have been an AOL member for over 20 years, and have used your program as my primary email program. Recently, AOL has discontinued the 9.8 desktop version and substituted the new and improved AOL Desktop Gold, for $5 per month.
I find that the new AOL Desktop Gold version is absolutely terrible. There are so many bugs – that I’m not sure if AOL did any kind of beta testing before releasing this garbage.
For example:
In the past versions, when one opened up AOL it would automatically open up the READ tab and you would automatically see all the new emails. Now the Gold version opens up to only the paid advertisements. There is no way to save the desktop size and position to include the New Emails. Why can’t you do that now with the new and improved program?
In the past versions, one could download an attached file and open it immediately in one step. In the current new and improved Gold version, you have to designate a location to download (such as desktop), and then go to that location and manually open that downloaded file? Why did you change this? It used to be so easy and automatic. Why can’t you do that now with the new and improved program?
In the past versions, one could take a group of pictures and drop them (imbed them) into the email directly, and then be offered the option of sending those pictures in a compressed format, or in the original uncompressed format. Nowadays, with so many smart phones sending high resolution photographs, this should be an important feature to have, to allow sending many pictures in a compressed format, rather than by default in the original uncompressed format. Why did you change that? Why can’t you do that now with the new and improved program?
In past versions, one could Copy and Paste into the email directly (imbed) an EXCEL spreadsheet. Now with the new and improved Gold version, you can do that but AOL changes the look, appearance, and format of that imbedded spreadsheet. It used to imbed that as a graphic, now it imbeds it in some sort of AOL style format – which looks terrible. Why did you change that? Why can’t you do that now with the new and improved program?
When I want to PRINT an email, in the past I could just click on the Print button in the right column, and it would print automatically. Now, you get another pop-up box that appears and asks what printer you want to print from. If you have only one printer and it is the default printer for the computer, why change? It makes for an unnecessary step, which the old desktop version eliminated many versions ago. Why can’t you do that now with the new and improved program?
Please explain to me why you are charging loyal customers which have been with your product and supported AOL for decades, eliminate a stable and consistent product used my millions, and now substitute a new and improved Gold desktop version which is horrible, and have the audacity to charge it’s loyal users $5 per month for a garbage program, which was obviously never tested properly. Now, you are using it’s customers to give you feedback on how to improve this junk?
Kindly respond – and please spend the couple of minutes drafting an original response to my questions, and not some automated reply generated by a computer!
Sincerely yours,
Loyal user since 12/28/1996

Thank you for your feedback, will send it over to the AOL Gold desktop team, making sure the features you mentioned become a priority and will be added in the future releases.
Currently, we don’t have an estimated time frame, but we hope the majority of the features our members are asking for will be implemented soon.