Just wanted to thank you for turning on the ability to do email friendly photos.
Just wanted to thank you for turning on the ability to do email friendly photos again. I haven't checked with the people who are receiving my emails but so far I haven't gone to edit and made them smaller and they are still sending whereas before anything over two and it wouldn't send. I still have to check to see how many photos I'm able to send in one email. Before Gold I could embed as many as 7 photos so we'll see what will send now.

Thanks for the feedback!
It’s so nice to get positive reinforcement from our users, as you are the audience we are working hard every day to serve. We really appreciate the time you took to send your note.
Thanks again and have a fantastic day!
s commented
Photos in email body in Win 10 does not work. In Win 7 I can send as many as I want whether or not modified/cropped/fixed. In Win 10 modifying or making smaller or doing nothing to photos, I can barely get one if I am lucky to send. Sits there forever freezing up rest of AOL and then still does not go or knocking out Gold all together. PLEASE FIX. This has been going on for far too long and has been reported many times.