sign on problem listed as being fixed in June update is NOT FIXED AS STATED - actually performing worse now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - wake up AOL - just because you repeatedly state that you have fixed problems DOES NOT make it so - now you can merge or close comments on this topic like you normally do - refusing to acknowledge you NUMEROUS problems do not make them go away !!! - this forum has produced only lip service + NO real actions at ALL !!!

bob k. commented
is not 15 plus attempts + 9 minutes to sign on to GOLD totally ridiculous situation ??? - been going on for months now - welcome screen does not load - email barely usable - tech support totally unreliable - rebooting , reloading , + other non solutions does nothing to solve any problems that you have built into GOLD - does anyone at oath , aol , or verizon even care about long term , paying , loyal consumers at all -