Ok , see if you can tone down your anti - Trump bias and give us news instead.
Ok , see if you can tone down your anti - Trump bias and give us objective news instead.
Darlene commented
took office,have I seen AOL get involved in News that is "SO NEGATIVE" against a President of These United States of America!! Enough is ENOUGH... every day I log into my GOLD Browser, and see the News articles, it is nothing but NEGATIVE against him!! HE IS OUR PRESIDENT SO GET OVER IT! And again PLEASE DISCONTINUE this FOOLISHNESS!
RUDY LANG commented
Get off the hate Trump campaign. You make fools out of yourselves and no cares what brain dead uneducated AOL hate mongers have to say. Go start your own country if you do like it here.
Anonymous commented
AOL's continued criticism of America's President and use of left wing Huffpost is totally Unacceptable!
THOMAS JONES commented
Get out of the news business. You people are a joke.
RUDY LANG commented
Who cares what Obama's genealogy is? You have a picture of the man you love with all smiles. AOL is brain dead and has no idea how stupid this man was as a president. It will take 50-years to gain what America lost with this *********. It may never get back what it lost in race relationships. He is a bigot and hated police and hated white people. Let's have a beer summit ********!
Lewis Worker commented
I will unsubscribe if the political garbage isn't stopped. I would also encourage all other users with same opinion to discontinue aol service.
Anonymous commented
AOL has no right of sending me a TOS notice due to my political believes and expressing my First Amendment Rights to vocal my feelings about POTUS.
If AOHELL keep Harassing me with TOS notice then We need to part our ways. Also I have great objections about INDIA occupying KASHMIR and using pallet guns to blind those Kashmiri Freedom Fighters -
Anonymous commented
AOL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Your hatred of America and it's processes has enraged me to the point that I just want to KILL someone so knock it off and just report the news.You have made your point that YOU are a large part of the problem we have here in America so stop stepping on your own **** and do us ALL a favor by getting the **** out of your scumbag news business.
Anonymous commented
O=Out-of Touch
L=Librals -
Anonymous commented
Who is this Ryan Hill SCUMBAG? You should tell him to make an attempt at getting himself out of the mud scum that fills the bottom of the SWAMP so we can take shots at him.
FRED commented
AOL's reporting is so pro-lib it really SUCKS
RUDY LANG commented
AOL has no f-ing idea of the stats the Mr. Trump, our president, uses. All you ********* can say is that they are wrong. You are wrong for existing as a so-called News and information outlet. YOU SUCK! Go **** on someone else in Hollywood and nor our president.
Anonymous commented
Please concentrate on everyday news, and stop reporting Trump news as the first item that pops up.
We have had 6 years of headline Trump bashing and it's getting tiresome.
Anonymous commented
Your "news" postings are all left leaning propaganda. It is getting to the point where I can no longer in good conscious keep my AOL account.
You constantly "lie" about President Trump, by twisting the facts and wording to fit your left leaning ideology.
You just recently "lied" about the high school student confrontation with the native American Indian. It is clear now by all accounts that the high school student was the victim but your posting would lead to the opposite conclusion.
Stop the left leaning propaganda. Sadly, your "news" ***** makes Russian media coverage look democratic in comparison.
Kathy commented
Yes, please report the news without the bias. I will likely leave AOL after being a paying member for close to 20 years.
TIM GANT commented
Its so funny that Anonymous (previous post) is so afraid to put name in post. People just like fair and accurate reporting. Not inaccurate that endangers someone's life . Not even your cowardly ***!
Jeff Liddicoat commented
You complainers do realize that you can get your FAUX drivel on the drop down box, don't you? If you don't like what you're seeing go to the Daily Caller or Drudge Report for your own brand of biased reporting.
karenvg commented
Multiple comments about the anti-Trump bias, but nothing is done. Try getting rid of HuffPO and it will improve. Do you really want to be perceived as such a left-leaning organization?
td5314 commented
If you can't eliminate the Trump bias and start showing positive aspects of his Presidency , then I'm guessing many AOL subscribers will terminate their subscriptions.
Anonymous commented
So today AOL features somebody named JOSH CHARLES who exclaims "**** him [Trump] ! Never mind that I have no idea who this idiot "celebrity" is but to the point is this really "news"? Does AOL get paid by Charles' PR manager to feature this inflammatory, offensive slur. Is this appropriate or relevant? Would AOL have featured Charles' remark if he exclaimed "**** Obama"?! Really, isn't the media (e.g.AOL) more and more responsible for the tone of today's politics because their antics are more and more irresponsible and reprehensible.